Chapter 18

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Alex's Pov.

It's the next morning after the incident yesterday.

Charlotte barely got any sleep last night while I slept like a log.

"How are you feeling this morning?" Charlotte asks. "A bit tired, a lot better with the cut stitched," I say as Charlotte gives me a sad smile.

"Charlotte," I say, and she hums a response. "I'm sorry for not telling you what happened. When he ripped that necklace from you, I lost it and just got smacked in the face with adrenaline, " I explain, and she just shakes her head and listens.

"I just love you and will do anything, you want or done." I finish truthly, and Charlotte gives me another sad smile.

"I know you will, and would. I would allow you to, just tell me if you're injured, you gave me a really big fright last night" Charlotte finishes "I know, I'm sorry" I say "it's ok baby" Charlotte says hugging my tightly, but not to tight to hurt my side.

"I just, felt so, so fucken helpless. I let him take you into our room by yourself, I was really scared, I will admit, so I thought I could make up for it with getting your necklace back" I say.

"Alex, you're a human, you are allowed to be scared, sad, happy or angry" Charlotte says cupping my face, while I felt like I was gonna cry.

"I'm just, I was scared of losing you, I couldn't imagine my loser life without you in it. And I couldn't let that jerk take your necklace, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself, knowing I just let something like that happen" I say clenching my jaw so tears don't fall from my eyes.

"I know, but you don't always have to be the hero in everyone's story" Charlotte says as she whips a tear that feel from my eye "but, I want to" I say then getting up.

"What use am I, if I couldn't even protect my friends against asshole" I say pacing back and forth.

"Alex, no one is blaming you for any of this" Charlotte protests, then I start putting my shoes on and grabbing a top and walking out of the room with Charlotte following.

"Alex, Alex where are you going" Charlotte asks following me out to the kitchen to where everyone is.

"I'm going back home" I say opening the door then pulling my shirt over my head.

"Alex, we only brought two cars" Charlotte says running after me.

"Charlotte, please just, leave it, I-I need some space for a while" I say with a tear running down my cheek as I turn round to Charlotte and see that the other had made their way out.

"Alex, Alex what do you mean. Don't you leave me" Charlotte says with tear streaming down her face and she holds onto Megan.

"Alex, let's all just talk about this" Alexander says trying to get closer to me, to pull me inside.

"I'm sorry, Charlotte but I just need space, it's for the better" I say with a sad smile.

"ALEX, DON'T YOU FUCKEN DARE LEAVE ME" Charlotte yells as she falls into Megan.

"I'm sorry" I say, seeing the last of Charlotte's face through my puffy eyes.

"ALEX" I heard Charlotte scream as I run off.

When I got far enough from them, I fall to the ground crying "I'm so sorry" I whisper to myself.

I pull my phone out of my pocket, and call Aunt Sarah.

"Sarah" she answers the phone "Alex, honey what's wrong" she asks on the other end.

"Could you come and lift me, I'll send you my location" I ask "yeh of course, but what happened" she asks "me and Charlotte fell out" I say sobbing into my phone.

"Ok, I'll be there soon sweety" she says and sounds like she gets up "thank you Sarah" I say then hanging up.

I can't believe I did that to Charlotte.

So I decided to text Alexander what I really wanted to tell her, but didn't have the courage.

As I pressed send Aunt Sarah showed up and quickly got out of the car and hugged me on the cold concrete.

"Are you okay" she asks "no, I hate myself for doing this to Charlotte" I cry to Sarah "It's okay, I'm sure she will understand" Sarah explains.

Charlotte's Pov

"Charlotte" Alexander says with an unsure tone "what" I ask through my tears "Alex sent me a message for you" he says "what does it say."

"Ok um, Alexander, can you tell Charlotte this. I'm so sorry for leaving you but I thought it was the best choice, I hate myself for what happened last night, I made some stupid mistakes, but I was so blinded by love, my love for you. What I did last night I put you all in danger with my stupid actions. I realise I have alot of problems that I have to sort out with family and others, I was hoping I would be going through it with you all supporting me, but if I do it by myself, no one has to get hurt just me. I love you Charlotte my love, my baby. Love Alex."

As Alexander finished that sentence. I burst into tears "if she loves me so much, why do this" I ask through tears.

"She wants to keep you save" Megan says "I know but I feel the most safe when she's here" I complain.

After that I walked back to my room and cried into the pillow Alex used last night.

After what felt like hours I decided to get up. When I walked into the living room, as soon as I walk in the conversation stopped.

"Where is Jessica" I ask, but no one answers me "hello, am I speaking a different fucking language, or something" I ask pissed "she went to look for Alex" Aiden says, why didn't any of them tell me.

"Why did none of you not tell me, I could have helped her" I ask "Charlotte, we all think that you and Alex should take a break for a bit, let Alex fix what ever is going on with her" Amber says which just shatters my heart.

"Do you all really think that?" I ask "Charlotte you know it yourself."  Lauren buts in I was speechless.

"If u want Alex to know anything, I could tell her if u want," Megan's says "no it thinks you've done enough  this weekend with Alex and I," I say.

"What's that meant to mean" Megan asks "I think you know rightly" I say.

"How about, we all just go home and forget about this weekend. Charlotte I'm sure Alex will come around eventually" Amber says and everyone agrees.

"Ok, fine then" I say  then walking off.

I decided to pack all my clothes into my suit case and packed away Alex clothes into the bag she brought.

It's hard to believe that here is where Alex and I had the best time of our life, and the saddest time of our life.

I could drop off Alex's clothes when I get home, or just maybe wait til were together again.

I get all the clothes sorted and everything clean, then make my way out to everyone and they are all ready with their bags, and Jessica was back also.

We all get our bags into the cars and drive off, Megan, Jessica, Amber and Lauren went in one the the boys and I went in the other.

I chose to go with the boys so the girls wouldn't keep asking me about Alex.

The boys didn't really say much, they mainly just listened to music, or talked about the recent rugby or football game.

Aiden left me off home, and I just went up to my room and face planted into my bed, and must have fell asleep.

Hey, so uh short chapter but you got a long one last week so, yeh.

I've actually been writing a different story, it's a football one, with Arsenal women, I don't know if I'll post it, comment if you want me to post it after this.

If you want it posted, I would be posting the same like on chapter every week, and while that one will be posting, I will be writing me a new one.

BYE xx   

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