Feb 7th, 2022- Of Mice And Men Journal #1

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Why are Dreams Important to Have?

Dreams are important to have for the future because then you can have an idea of what you would want to do as a job or career. Careers are important to think about along with dreams. Jobs kickstart your career before you jump straight into a career and you could have more time to think about a career. Some people doubt others' dreams because they believe the dreams are unachievable, which only determines or encourages someone even more than they were determined already. I told a few people I was going to start on trying to be a teacher, and some people told me it was unachievable or was too high of a goal for me to reach. Some of the people told me, "No, you can't do it," or "Try reaching for a different career path." Both of these just made me more determined to reach my dream and goal of becoming a teacher, but it also made me realize that I don't need validation for my own dreams. It's my dream.

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