Book 2: Claimed by The Devil

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Sneak peek at Book 2, Claimed by The Devil

                            ✨ Angelo's POV ✨

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Angelo's POV

This job is going to get me killed one day.

Angelo looked up from his phone when the chat window on his computer screen maximized, signaling he had a new message from his client with the most unique username ever—Phil123.

Phil123: Any progress?

Kai: Only found a bunch of useless documents.

Kai: Still looking through them.

At the cost of half a million dollars, Phil wanted Angelo's help to bring down the Seventh Circle Riders MC. Their President's name was Lucifer—yes, his parents really wrote that down on his birth certificate—and his MC was the state's deadliest.

Angelo once had a full-ride scholarship to his dream college, so he was far from dense. This was a job he should've immediately declined. But it was also the key to him leaving the country and starting anew.

No more living a life of crime. No more stressing whether today would be the day the Feds connected him to his notorious hacker alias and locked his ass up.

Angelo was down so badly in life that he bet his future on the rage Phil held against the MC for, allegedly, beating his son and getting away with it. No arrests were made, and Phil's son could barely walk afterward.

Phil wanted revenge. Angelo wanted money.

Now, after two weeks of trying to break through the MC's digital fortress, Angelo finally got through this morning. He was going on hour six of scrolling through mundane files, all boring documents and a few receipts for the club's charitable donations. A pleasant surprise from a group of hardened criminals.

I need a break. Angelo leaned back in his chair and rubbed his burning eyes.

He closed them for a second, and his mind drifted back to the horror stories whispered about the Seventh Circle Riders. The latest was about a man who had picked a fight with a member at a nightclub. The man was found dead of an overdose in his car the next morning. How convenient.

Another ping from the computer brought Angelo back down to reality. It was Phil again.

Phil123: Just useless documents? Those bastards almost killed my son!

Phil123: The cops are worthless. I need this club to go down but I can't do shit without solid evidence.

Phil123: You have to find something! Anything!!

Angelo sighed.

He loved working with rich clients like Phil. They were so desperate to the point of being willing to go broke to get what they wanted. But he also hated working with them because they expected him to magically fix their problem right then and there.

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