✧five years gone✧。

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"Prison is a second-by-second assault on the soul, a day-to-day degradation of the self, an oppressive steel and brick umbrella that transforms seconds into hours and hours into days.

Mumia Abu-Jamal

Five years have been hell for Clyde Davis. He agreed to the plead deal with his lawyers to plead guilty to the crime of murder in the first degree and instead of 25 years to life, he spent only five that's half of what of what he was supposed to get.

Fortunately, today his parole has been finalize, so he is able to go home.

Moments later he got his clothes in a plastic bag, car keys and all of his other items that he have before he was booked into his cell.

"Open the doors, good luck kid." The front officer.

Clyde just nodded with a fake smile on his face as walked out of the prison hole and letting the sweet, refreshing air on his face. With birds singing, cars driving back he so happy to finally have his life back.

Well, almost normal without Beau being here to see his gorgeous face again.

Of course, he thought about Beau while being locked up. He was really hoping he would see him again just once.

But anyways he got into his old black Chevy Malibu turned ignition and put the stick shift into drive and pulled off.

But anyways he got into his old black Chevy Malibu turned ignition and put the stick shift into drive and pulled off

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As he drove something caught his eye a brochure of university of California that's where Beau is. Maybe if he just go and say to him he'll be okay.

There's nothing wrong with a guy visiting his ex boyfriend, right?

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