Chapter 5

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Y/N's POV:

The weight of the pen felt heavy in my hand.

It wasn’t writer’s block, not really. It was more like a puzzle piece stubbornly refusing to slot into place.

I watched the dust motes dance in the afternoon sunlight that streamed through my window, my gaze unfocused.

Hanni’s words echoed in my mind: "That person was a friend, yeah."

A friend. Someone unaffected by the magic word. Someone who could visit Hanni.

I looked down at my notebook, at the question i had scribbled earlier: “Who was unaffected by the magic word?”

Underneath it, a name was starting to form in my mind. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but i had to try. For Hanni.

The next morning, My feet dragged as i walked the familiar path to school.

The art club was supposed to be my sanctuary, a place where i could lose myself in colors and shapes, but lately, it just felt like another box i was trapped in.

I reached the art room door and peered inside, hoping to find a moment of solace before the club meeting.


I jumped, startled by the voice. Jay, a fellow club member, stood by the window, his usual bright smile replaced with a stoic expression.

Jay leaned against the windowsill, his arms crossed. "I heard that you’re gonna quit."

"Uh, yeah," i mumbled, surprised by the casualness of my own confirmation.

Jay let out a low hum and brushed past me into the room, his bag laden with art supplies slung over his shoulder.

He stopped just before his easel and glanced back at me, his voice flat. "So you’re running away."

"Well, whatever," Jay added, his gaze returning to his canvas. He began setting up his paints, his movements practiced and efficient.

I hesitated for a moment, then rushed after him. "Hey, Jay," i began, my voice tinged with urgency, "You went to Seoul International School, right?"

Jay paused, glancing from me to his canvas. "Yeah, why?"

"Do you remember Hanni Pham?"

Jay’s brow furrowed. "Ah, i think that she was sick. I don’t really remember." He picked up a paintbrush, his attention already shifting back to his work.

I stepped in front of Jay, desperate to keep his attention. "Was there anyone she was close to? Did she have friends?"

"Friends?" Jay put down his brush, his eyes meeting mine. "You know, she wasn't really ever at school. Ah, but I think I did see her a few times hanging out with that Minji chick."

"Minji chick?"

"The one who’s in class with me," Jay said, picking up his brush and dipping it in paint.

My mind raced. "Minji, huh? You mean…" i trailed off, a plan forming in my mind.

Without another word, i turned and hurried out of the art room, leaving Jay to his painting.

I had to find this Minji. I had to know if she was the key to helping Hanni.

The clamor of the hallway faded as i focused on my mission. I found Jay’s classroom easily enough and spotted my target: a girl with a cascade of dark hair and a sharp, confident aura, surrounded by a group of friends.

Taking a deep breath, i walked towards her.

Minji looked up as i approached, her expression guarded. "Hey, what do you want?" she asked, her voice laced with an unmistakable edge. "And who are you?"

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