Chapter 6

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Hanni's POV
The city lights were so pretty tonight, twinkling like scattered diamonds against the velvet sky.

But their beauty couldn’t reach me, held at bay by the thick glass of the hospital window.

A familiar ache throbbed in my chest, a constant companion these days.

I focused on the drawing pad in my lap, charcoal whispering against the paper as I recreated the delicate curves of a Gerbera.

Y/N had brought them again today, a vibrant splash of color against the sterile white of my room.

He always brought Gerberas.

Glancing at the vase on my bedside table, I saw the previous bouquet already drooping, petals curling at the edges.

A sigh escaped my lips. “We can try again,” I whispered, more to myself than the wilting flowers.

“You’ve visited me three weeks in a row. That’s a record, well done,” I said, placing a cold apple juice in front of Y/N.

He chuckled, taking a sip. “Thanks a lot.”

We were in the hospital’s common room, a sad attempt at a cheerful space with its faded armchairs and dusty plastic plants.

But at least it offered a change of scenery from the confines of my room.

“I really didn’t think you’d visit me this much,” I admitted, taking a seat opposite him.

My fingers instinctively reached for the new bouquet of Gerberas he’d placed on the table, their sunny faces instantly lifting my spirits.

“And the flowers have really made an impression.” I smiled, tilting my head to admire them. “Let’s survive for a week this time, all right?” A soft chuckle escaped me. “You can do it.”

Sometimes I felt silly, talking to flowers like they could understand. But Y/N never seemed to mind.

He always just smiled, an encouraging warmth in his eyes that made me feel less… alone.


A group of girls, all giggling and chatting excitedly, barged into the common room, their voices echoing off the walls.

My gaze instinctively drifted towards them, envy twisting in my gut.

They were all so full of life, their carefree laughter a stark contrast to the sterile silence that usually permeated the hospital halls.

“Yunjin, how are you? We brought your favorite snacks!” one of the girls exclaimed, reaching their friend – a girl propped up on the couch, crutches leaning against the armrest.

Yunjin. She looked about my age, her face pale but a bright smile lighting it up as her friends crowded around her. They were so lively, so full of energy.

It was a painful reminder of everything I couldn’t do, everything I was missing out on.

I couldn’t help but stare, a familiar longing gnawing at me.

“Would you like to just go back to the room?” Y/N’s voice was soft, pulling me from my thoughts.

I turned to him, surprised. He was looking at the group, a slight frown creasing his brow.

When he caught my eye, his expression softened. “Because this chatter is a bit annoying,” he added with a small smile.

His thoughtfulness warmed me. He understood. I nodded, a grateful smile tugging at my lips.

Back in my room, the familiar silence was a comfort. Y/N was flipping through my sketchbook, his brow furrowed in concentration.

He paused at a drawing of a school hallway, lockers lining the walls, sunlight streaming in from the high windows.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26 ⏰

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