01 || Hugs

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note: all of the toons live on one floor, all having their own area. this isn't canon, but I just wanted to put this in here. I thought it would be easier if they lived like this lol. also, shrimpo goes by he/she pronouns but it has been changed as of 8/9/24, sorry if it was confusing!!:3

Shrimpo trudged back into his room. He had just gotten out of a pretty nasty argument with Roger about Toodles's safety. He took Vee's place for the day with looking after Toodles, and she got a single scraped knee from a fall he couldn't prevent in any way, even if he were right beside her. He slammed the door, muttering to himself. It was already 7:50, who wants an argument right now? "Stupid Roger.. you can't even take care if your little sister, so you expect me to be able to? Fuckin' idiot.. stupid.." Shrimpo clenched his fists, leaning against the door. He came to a sitting position, his head falling on one of her shoulders. Shrimpo brought his hands to his head, covering the sides of it. The sounds of even more arguing grew louder outside of his door, coming from Tisha and Scraps about how their room should be cleaned. He's been in her room a couple times, it wasn't too messy. Tisha was just a bit of a germaphobe. ('A bit' is an understatement. Have you seen how this Toon acts over a single speck of dirt?) One of Shrimpo's eyes started twitching, resulting in him blinking hard to try and stop it. He got up, picking up a pillow and throwing it across his room. It hit a picture frame, resulting in it crashing onto the floor. He flinched, grumbling. "Stupid picture.. I don't even know why I have it still.. Fucking Dandy.." He stomped over to the picture, taking the photo out of the frame. A shard of glass hit Shrimpo's hand, going deep into his skin. "Gah- Fuck!" He yelped, dropping the photo into a pile of glass. Shrimpo sighed, wincing. He picked the photo back up, this time being more careful. Shrimpo held it in both hands, staring at Dandy's face. Shrimpo scowled, tossing it across the room. The door randomly opened, Tisha standing there with a small set of cleaning materials. "I heard glass! Are you okay? What happened?! She rushed over to him, sitting on her knees beside Shrimpo and the broken frame and glass. He had no verbal response, only nodding his head to the 'are you okay?' bit, even though the cut burnt like Hell. Tisha put on some blue latex gloves, scooping the glass up into one hand and holding the broken frame in the other. "I'll be right back! We'll look at that cut in a minute, Shrimpo." She spoke in a motherly tone, although she was only around three years older than him. She rushed out of the room, most likely going to discard the glass. She left the door cracked open, which pissed Shrimpo off even more. Any Toon could walk in at any moment, and he hated most of them. Maybe Astro was okay. And Scraps. And.. Goob. Wait, what? No, not Goob. He hated Goob. Goob was the worst person that could come in here, other than Roger. And what did Goob do? Exactly that. He peeked his head in, their arms dangling by their sides. "Whatcha doin all alone?" Goob called out, tilting his head. Shrimpo huffed in response, rolling his eyes. "Get out! You suck!" He hissed out, rolling out his usual "insults." He didn't mean them, and Goob knew that. "Awwh, I'm sorry.. I'll leave. But lemme get a hug first!" They exclaimed, walking into the room. Before Shrimpo could protest, Goob's arms wrapped around him, bring them closer. He yelped, not wanting a hug right now. Shrimpo just stood there, holding his cut hand to the side, now dripping blood, and using his other hand to pitifully try to escape the hug. Goob looked down at Shrimpo, a big smile on his face. Shrimpo was getting a tad bit overstimulated and uncomfortable, grumbling. He eventually let go, with Shrimpo stumbling back with an audible whine. "Get out of here, Goob! Not cool!" He exclaimed, making a shooing motion with both hands. He didn't really want Goob to leave, but he'd rather explode than confess that. He thought he was doing a good job hiding that fact, although it was insanely obvious. Most Toons knew, even Toodles, who was literally a child. Goob smiled and snickered, nodding. "Fine, fine! I was just thinking you forgot about me for a moment there! Just wanted to rejog your memory, eh?" Goob got no response, resulting in him looking away. "See ya later, Shrimpy!" Goob called out, leaving the room, still keeping the door open. Shrimpo sighed. "It's Shrimpo.." He muttered, crossing her arms. Tisha eventually came back into the room with better supplies. The whole process was a blur, and before he knew it, there were bandages on his hand (poorly done), and Tisha was leaving. It was already 8:45. Tisha left by 8:50, joining a small group of Toons that were standing outside of Astro's door for some dream manipulation. He couldn't be bothered to go over there. He could get good dreams by himself, right? Shrimpo hopped into bed, closing his eyes with a grumble. He dangled one foot off the side of the bed, trying to find a comfortable position. Shrimpo quickly found out she couldn't sleep. Maybe he shouldn't have been so mean to Goob. He's never thought about his actions. "Stupid Goob.. always being nice.. nobody deserves their hugs, nobody.." He thought out loud. Shrimpo sighed, sitting up. He got up, leaving his room. He walked around before reaching Goob's room, knocking lightly. Goob turned on a lamp, opening the door. He was confused, and it was visible on his face. "Shrimpo? What are you doing-" Goob was cut off by something he totally didn't expect. A hug? From Shrimpo of all people? It wasn't a good hug (since Shrimpo barely hugged people), but it was nice. Goob hugged her back, which surprised Shrimpo, but she let it happen. After a good minute or so, Shrimpo let go and so did Goob. He didn't much, too busy fiddling around with his fingers. "Goodnight.." He managed to mutter, not letting Goob say anything back before turning around and leaving for his own room. Goob was pretty confused, but a stupid smile crept onto their face. He closed the door with a soft click, going back to bed. Shrimpo did the same, closing his door and flopping on the bed. He felt stupid, but now, she could go to sleep for the night. Both of them slept easily, and both their minds were on the other. Goob thought it was cute, as Shrimpo thought it was stupid.

They were both right.

1105 words

with love,

I Need A Hug || Goob x ShrimpoWhere stories live. Discover now