Love, hate 😖 part 15

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Hello guys this is the second last part! I know I took to long to write this part but I was quite busy ! That's why.
Ok now let's start
so it's been only one day since the wedding stopped.
Day 1:-
MKA : ok sid avneet is coming! Pls don't ruin it ok.
S: yes uncle.
VD: guys let's go.
( and they all run away and hide behind the pillars and bushes)
S: ( stano outside avneet,s doorwith a bouquet of flowers) Avneet please forgive me. I know I hurt you, but I promise to make it up to you.
N: ( opening the door, her eyes icy) you think flowers can fix everything sid! You're pathetic! You think a simple "i,m sorry" And some roses can erase the pain you and your words caused me?
S: ( desperate) I,ll do anything to regain your love and trust avneet. I,ll do whatever it takes.
N:( scoffing) trust ? You destroyed that the moment you called me cheap! A mistake and sid you're talking about love but you said I don't deserve love and that no one loves me so a person who don't deserve love and doesn't have love how can I give love to you. Now leave me alone. I don't want to see your face.
S:( pleading) Avneet please....
N:( firmly) I said go away sid before I lose my patience.
S: ( tears in eyes) plea....
N: ( getting angry) don't you hear me. I said go away with your pathetic face.
S: ( teary eyes with cracked voice forwarding the roses toward her)
Ok I will leave but These flowers! for you.
N: ( looks at him with cold eyes) (holds the flowers but throw them at floor and smushed them with her heels) ( fake smile) happy now leave.
S: ( shocked+ sad)( looks down ) hm bye ! ( about to leave but stops and looks back) avneet.
N:(looking away) hm?
S: I,m Sorry.
N: ( ignored him)
S: avneet!
N:( still looking away) hm!
S: I love you.
N: (shocked but still didn't look at him) leave .
( sid sighs and left from there)
Other side :-
SD: vaishu go you can do it.
Ashi: yes vaishu.
V: what if he doesn't like it.
Lucy: you are here to ask his forgiveness right.
V: hm
SD: than you have to do it.
V: ok than here I go.
( so vaishu, SD and her friends are standing outside of the RV corporation in short in front of abhi,s company) (RV means R for his dad,s name and V for his mom) vaishu is here because her dad had to sign a deal with abhi so he send her here for it.
( and yeah guys abhi is a business man and not a police officer he just pretended it)
Vaishu entered the company and asked the receptionist about abhi,s office room.
Receptionist: mam it's on 5th floor the first room.
V: thanks.
(The receptionist just nodded with a smile)
Vaishu came to abhi,s office and knocked on the door.
A: ( busy in work) come in.
V: ( entered and stood there while admiring himwith a smile)
A: ( still busy but than looked at the person being confused that why it,est this person saying anything) you! What are you doing here.
V: ( her eyes downcast) Abhi "i,m so sorry for what I did and said. I was wrong to call you a monster and to accuse you of..... Of that something so horrific.
A: (Abhi,s expression remained neutral ,his eyes again fixed on his computer screen) i,m buzy vaish.... Vaishnavi. I don't have time for this.
V:( vaishi took a step forward, her voice cracking) please abhi! Just listen to me. I know I hurt you and i,m so sorry for that. Please.
AA:( abhi,s gaze didn't waver, his voice was firm) I said i,m buzy! Vaishnavi so leave me alone.
V:( vaishu,s eyes welled up with tears but she didn't give up) Abhi dad send me for that deal! Can we at least talk about that! Please.
A:( look at her with cold firm eyes) ok.
(Vaishu didn't give up she started helping abhi with that deal, working with him all day tirelessly)
V: ( came with a coffee) abhi coffee for you.
A:( didn't look at her) I don't want it.
V: ( sad eyes) please.
A: ( annoyed face) go away! Can't you hear once,I don't want it means I don't want it.
V: ( looks down) ok ( about to go)
A: ( coldly) vaishnavi take a look at this file when you go home.
V: ok abhi i,ll get it done. ( happily took the file)
( abhi,s gaze lingered for a moment before he returned to his screen, his expression were unreadable, vaishu took a deep breath, her eyes welling up with tears. She knew she still had a long way but she was willing to try)
Day 10:-
(Sid was standing outside of avneet's classroom with a letter)
S: (waiting for her with his letter) Avneet i know I can't erase the past, but I want to build a better future with this for you please read it. Please🙏
N: ( with cold eyes started reading the letter, her expression unyielding) sid your words mean nothing. Action speak louder. First do something more useful than come to me. ( and tore the letter in pieces)
S: ( look downcast) I will try my best avne.....
N:( interrupted) saving it sid! I don't want to hear your empty promises show me !show me you're willing to put in the work because as far as I see ! You are doing nothing other than annoying me.
S: ( sad but determined) I will avneet i,ll show you! just give me a chance.
N:( coldly) i,m not interested in your chances. Sid i,m interested in seeing you suffer like I did. I want to see your face. When you hear same words as me.
S: ( looks up with smile) i,m ready for it neet ! I,m ready.
N: ( looks at her friends) let's go preeti.
(Avneet just rolled her eyes at Sid and left from there leaving Sid alone)
At lunch break:-
Avneet and preeti was sitting there but suddenly Sid comes there with avneet,s favorite dish and how does he know her favorite! Her dad told him obviously. ( Dumboo 😂 🤡)
S: ( standing in front of avneet with the dish) avneet I know you love this dish . I cooked it pls have it.
N: ( Disdainfully) you think a meal can buy my forgiveness? You're delusional sid. You think a simple gesture can erase the hurt you caused?
S:( determined) I will do whatever it takes avneet I won't give up. I know these small things won't do anything but still I want to put efforts for you in these things and i,m sure at the end of thos month you will be mine forever.
N:( smirking) we,ll see about that Sid! You're not even close to making up for what you did but keep trying , it's entertaining to watch grovel.well I think you should leave now.
But Sid was still standing there .
V: ok then I will leave.
S:( trying to talk to avneet in the college hallway) Avneet please listen.... I know I made mistakes but I want to make it right
Preeti: neet I think you should....
N:( cutting her off) don't pls preeti don't! I don't want to fight with you.
S: avneet please....
N: ( cutting him off with her icy voice) you know Sid I used to think that you were the best thing that happened to me but now I realize you're just waste of space. You don't deserve a forgiveness actually you don't deserve anything from me so pls stop annoying me and go away.
S:( hurt) avneet I just wanted to say sorry.
N:( laughing coldly) sorry? Sorry isn't enough Sid. Sorry doesn't fix everything.
S:( desperate) i,ll do anything avneet.... Just please forgive me.
N:( coldly) really? Anything! But from where i,m standing it looks like you're here to waste my time only.
Abhinavi side:-
It's been 10 vaishu is working with abhi.
Vaishu arrived at the office, hoping that abhi would finally acknowledge her efforts but as she approached his desk, he ignored her, his eyes fixed on his computer screen.
Vaishu felt a pang of disappointment but she refused to give up. She started working on her task ! Trying to catch abhi,s eye but he continued to ignore her.
As the day wore on ! Vaishu,s frustration grew. She had done everything she could to make amends but abhi seemed determined to ignore her.
Just as she was about to leave for lunch suddenly
A:(handed her a file without looking up ) read it and tell me if you want to change anything.
V:( sad smile) ok umm you.... You won't have your lunch.
A: ( cold voice and looking at computer) no.
V: but why...
Abhi didn't said anything ignoring her while looking at computer screen.
V: ( signs with sadness) I think I should leave now.
vaishu was hoping for some sign of forgiveness but abhi,s behaviour made it clear that he was still angry.
As she read the file she couldn't help but to wonder if she would ever be able to regain abhi,s trust. She felt like ! she was making progress but abhi,s continued silence was disheartening.
When she finished reading. She handed it back to abhi. Who took it without a word. Vaishu watched as he took it and asked.
A: so do you want to change anything.
V: umm no it,s perfect.
A: hmm alright.
V: I.... Never mind. ( vaishu was about to say something but when she saw his unreadable expression she stopped)
For a moment there eyes met and vaishu thought she saw a glimmer of something maybe sadness or like he was hurt deeply like some painful expression.
Vaishu signed feeling defeated. She would have to keep trying no matter how difficult it seems.
Day 20:-
Preeti and neet was just chilling but suddenly here comes our Sid.
S: avneet pls talk to me I know I hurted you but pls....
N: ( her eyes flashing with anger) oh you hurt me? That's a an understatement Sid you annihilated me . You took my love, trust, happiness everything and crushed it and now you're expecting me to forgive you? Please you're not even worthy of my forgiveness.
S:( desperate) avneet please.... I,ll do anything.
N:( with a cold + sarcastic voice) oh please Sid don't start again.
S: I... I don't know what to say now.
Preeti: avneet our class is about to start .
N: ( glance at Sid once but again looks at preet) yeah let's go .
And they both left from there.
Abhinavi side :-
A: umm vaishu Nancy gave you that file right.
V: hm ( in mind : that bitch)
Well Nancy is abhi,s secretary.
A: ( giving her another folder) well that is our new project !take a look.
V:( Vaishu took the folder her hands trembling slightly) what,s the project?
A: you didn't read that file.
V: I.... I was bu.... buzy.
A: with who.
V: huh!
A: I mean it,s new security breach project.
V: security breach! That's serious.
A:( nodded ) I know so PLS READ IT.
V: ( felt pang of guilt) you can trust me abhi. I won't let you down.
A:( cold eyes) good for you! Because I don't like loss in my business.
V: ( nodded with determination coursing through her veins) i won't disappoint you.
A: ( hearing this Abhi,s expression softened slightly ) I hope not vaishu. I really do.
V:(her heart skipped a beat at the hint of emotionin his voice) abhi can I ask something?
A: what is it?
V:( hesitate) Do you still.... Umm do you still hate me.
A:( his expression turned neutral again) I don't know vaishnavi ! Right now ! I,m just focused on getting this project done.
V: ( nodded, feeling a pang of sadness) okay I understand.
Day 25:-
Sid saw avneet smiling and laughing with another guy.
S: ( angry) what are you doing avneet.
N: oh Sid.
S: I said what is happening here.
N: nothing just giving my trust and love to someone trustworthy.
S:( trying to hide his jealousy) oh that's.... great Avneet. I,m happy for you.
N:( Tautingly) oh i,m sure you aresid after all you Sid you don't care where am I or who i,m with so go ahead and keep pretending like you don't care.
S:( gritting his teeth) avneet please.... Can we talk about this?
N:( cutting him off) no Sid! You had your chance to talk and you chose to say you don't care now it's my turn.
S: ( desperate) avneet I was wrong okay? I do care....
N:( laughing) oh now you care? Now that you see me with someone else? Please Sid you had your chance and you blew it .
S: avneet can we talk for a minute pls.
N: ( smirking) oh Sid wants to talk! Cute! What could you possibly have to say....
S:( trying to contain his jealousy) avneet please..... Just.... Listen.
N: ( laughing) no Sid you said you don't care remember? So why should I care about what you have to say.
S:( frustrated) avneet stop this... Please. N: ( tauntingly) oh Sid getting jealous? How adorable. You should have thought of that before you said you don't care. Now i,m living a life and you're stuck watching from the sidelines.
S: ( said suddenly) Avneet
N: hm.
S: ( turn around ) I love you.
N: huh.
But he already left from there.
See you in next part 😄
Adios ye amo guys 😗
Toodles 😉

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