An Introduction

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After the battle of Hogwarts, all was not well. Voldemort had been defeated, his followers scattered, but with all they had lost, nothing would be the same. Happiness was far away and moving forward was hard to ponder. But, time always moves forward, whether you want it to or not.

Ron and Hermione went to Australia to reverse the memory wiping spell she had cast on her parents and bring them home. Hermione had told Ron he should stay at the Burrow, but he refused to let her go alone. However, when he returned home, Mrs. Weasley was worse than ever. She would put on a brave face when she saw them looking, but her children knew all too well she was not okay. Fred's memory lived on.

Hermione went to live with her parents once more, but visited and stayed often at the Burrow for support and also as a distraction. They needed it despite how awkward it could be. No one one wanted to sob around a guest.

Harry stayed with the Weasley's until he could come up with an alternative living arrangement, but they didn't mind him being there. Ron needed a friend by his side, to make him forget and talk to when he couldn't seem to take it. Ginny found it comforting that he was always there to hold her and make her laugh when needed.

Needless to say, they were making do - at least - for the time being.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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