Chapter 1

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"Miiiiitch!!" Scott yells in my ear, I let out a whine as he shakes me again "What is it Scott?!" I yell as he stops shaking me, "Geeet uuuupppp!! Today's the day!!" I sit up quickly. "Really?!" "Yes, today's the day we get to adopt her!!" I scream excitedly. "We're gonna be Dads!!" I jump out of bed, almost stepping on Wyatt. "Wyatt Blue Grassi-Hoying, what have I told you about sleeping there!?" He runs out of my room, and I notice Scott's gone too. I shrug to myself and check the time, 6:45 a.m. "Really Scott?! I said 8:30!!" "Sorry babe, I got excited!!" I roll my eyes. I grab a change of clothes and shower, after I shower and change I go and look for Scott, I find him once again in our soon-to-be-daughter's room. "Scott, it looks perfect." I walk up and grab his hand. "You did a good job decorating." he kisses the side of my head. "Ima go take a shower." Scott walks out and I walk around and admire the purple and teal room. I can't believe Scott and I are gonna be parents, are we really ready for that, and what about our fans?? What are they gonna say?? My phone starts ringing and I see it's Esther calling. "Yes Esther??" I answer. "Hey!! You excited??" "Yeah and scared." "Oh calm down, anyways, Avi is insisting that we pick you two up and tag along and Scott's not answering." I roll my eyes, the rest of the group have probably have been more excited than us for the past month. "Okay. What time will you guys be here??" I hear Avi in the background. "In about an hour, then we can go get breakfast and stuff." Esther sighs. "Okay sounds good, see you guys then!!" I hang up just as I feel a pair of arms wrap around me, scaring me half to death. "Scott Richard Hoying!!" I scream. "Sorry, it was to easy to pass." He laughs as I spin around, punching his arm playfully. "Do you know why I have 4 missed calls from Esther??" "Her and Avi are driving us there, and they'll be here in about an hour." I explain. "Ahh." Scott nods. "You are not wearing that, right??" "What?!" I stare at Scott's nasty stained grey T-Shirt in disgust. "Go put on a nicer shirt!!" "Hmm... I don't know, should I??" Scott wraps me in a hug. "Yes you sh-" Scott starts to tickle me, "SCOTT!!" I scream and try to squirm out of his grip. "Yes Mitchie??" he laughs as I finally get free and take off down the hallway, hiding in my room. "Mitch?? Where did you go baby??" Scott laughs walking towards my room, but then I hear his phone ring and him walking away. I stand up and walk out of my room, curious who was calling him so early. "Yes momma??" I hear him say. "Uh huh, I know. Yes her room's done." I lean against the wall and smile at him rolling his eyes over his stressed mom. "Mom, we'll be fine." He smiles at me. Walking over to him I take his phone and say as sweet as candy. "Hey momma Hoying." "Mitchie!! Are you guys ready to get your new addition??" I smile and wink at Scott, him walking to his room. "Sure are!! We have her room set up and baby proofed the whole house, and everyone's really excited." I hear her laugh and say something, probably to Scott's dad. "That's great dear, please send me lots of pictures!!" "Yes ma'am." I smile to myself. "Have a safe trip, love you both!!" "We love you too, momma Hoying. Bye." I wait for her to hang up before I lock Scott's phone.. "You better be changing that shirt, Scottie!!" I yell. "Yeah yeah!!" I hear him from his room. Then our door opens to show a tired Esther and a excited Avi. "Are you guys ready?!" Avi grins. "SCOTT HURRY YOUR ASS UP WITH THAT SHIRT!!!" I scream. "I'm coming geez!!" he walks in and his blue eyes lock on Avi and Esther. "I thought I heard the front door open." He laughs. "Come on guys let's gooo!!!" Avi acts like a 6 year old going to Disneyland. "Okay okay, just let me grab Wyatt and put him in his cage." I roll my eyes, walking to my room, where Wyatt's asleep on my bed. "Wyatt. Come here, Wyatt." He stares at me. "Wyatt." I say annoyed, as he walks over to me, I pick him up and put him in his carrier. "We'll be back later with your sister." I close the door. Wyatt starts meowing and I turn back, "You'll live." I walk out of my room, closing the door behind me. "You ready??" Scott grabs my hand. "More than ready." I smile, us sharing a quick kiss before Avi and Esther sees.

**Scott's POV**

We all climb into Avi's truck, and we stop by Starbucks and McDonald's, then we were ready for the long drive to get our daughter. I can't wait to see her. Mitch and I have only seen pictures. She has long blonde hair and big brown orbs. Almost like a perfect mix of Mitch and I. It's weird, but I love it. They wouldn't give us her name until we got there. I see Mitch deep in thought, staring out the window. Avi's driving, Esther is riding shotgun, while Mitch is sitting to my left, I'm in the middle, and there's a car seat to my right. "Hey Avi, when did you get this car seat??" I ask him, that's one thing we were still waiting to come in the mail, since Mitch wouldn't go to a store and get one. "Oh, I got it a couple of weeks ago at Toys R Us when Kevin and I went." I nod slowly. "While you were getting ready, so were Kevin and I. I told you our new apartment was 2 bedrooms, but had like a bonus room that was like an office, we turned that into the little one's room. Kirstie helped us." "Take that exit up there." Mitch directed him. "Got it Mitch." I look at Mitch, he's so nervous. I grab his hand gently, and he looks at me, I see his muscles relax a bit. I hope everything goes smoothly.

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