"All we have is each other... "

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The night was already a rough one on Brett... A full moon and his struggle to keep from tearing his teammates apart with his teeth, they had lost the game and even worse now someone was calling him none stop. The last he needed was a distraction so he held off from answering till the end of the game. Brett pulled off his helmet with a defeated groan his hair sticking up practically in every direction and his eyes for a only a moment a bright yellow. But a few deep breaths and the muttering on his mantra calmed his rage, "the sun.. The moon... The truth." The blond sighed digging his fingers into his shorts to pull out a simple touch screen phone cracked in the upper left hand corner from an "incident" and the screen lit up with a number he didn't know.

"Hello...?" Brett tried to sound a little less upset than he was feeling, but it was difficult to be frank.

"Uh- Brett yeah it's Scott I'm sorry to call so late... But.. " Scott's voice went quiet and already an ominous feeling washed over Brett he drew a breath before pulling on a fake smile his eyes scanned along the audience until they landed on his younger sister, she nodded to him has if they had already spoken. "Don't worry about it I just finished a game.. What's wrong?" Straight to the point and chances are it would involve Liam the fresh new Beta with terrible self control especially on a full moon. Brett followed the other mournful mates towards the school they're heads hung in defeat, and not even an optimistic report from the coach could relieve the tension.

"Well I guess you can already tell it's a full moon.. And Liam kinda lost it so if you happen to see him just call." Of course..

Brett chuckled at the thought of the last full moon. Well a good wolf hunt could probably cheer him up from his more than depressing mood, "don't worry I'm going to head home then I'll help look. Do you know what he's wearing?" This time Scott remained quiet longer than expected, the Alpha tried to speak but his words seem to break up for a moment. "What is he naked or something?" Brett joked holding the school's door open for his Teammates a few patting him on the shoulder, because Brett's face at that moment fell... His eyes locked onto a figure... A small nude male... With glowing eyes and running right towards the dozens of people walking towards the school.

"Uh... I'll call you right back!" Brett ended the call and shoved past a couple to sprint into a run "ay watch where the hell your going 28!"

The call went unheard because now Brett wasn't number 28 Lacrosse player but glowing eyes Beta running top speed at the naked boy. The tackle was loud but didn't grab anyone's attention they were too busy talking amongst themselves about the defeat, Brett clamped a hand over Liam's mouth he felt him bite but the pain could be dealt with.. Right now he had to find a way of getting Liam away from the school and hopefully into some clothes.

Although Liam wasn't making it easy. He snarled and snapped at the bigger male reaching just to barley graze his face with his claws, fortunately Brett was bigger and taller he kept his other hand tight on Liam's throat while also avoiding being clawed. This seem to have gotten way out of hand... Brett had to be quick because one slip could mean innocent people being hurt and also Liam being on the front cover on the paper under the head line "NAKED RABID BOY ATTACKS!"

All that pent of rage lashing out has a wolf definitely not a good sign for the future. Brett worked fast twisting the smaller body on top of his own so he could grab hold of Liam's wrists and cross them over his chest, now the new beta was left kicking with frustration and head banging against Brett's chest. "Liam you need to calm down."

Yup- Liam definitely can't hear anything right now.

Brett finally found the strength to restrain Liam and also get up onto his feet. "Liam listen to me you have to take control or it's going to be bad for all of us!" This time Liam released a monstrous howl drawing attention directly to the both of them and that attention belonging to a certain female... Brett didn't want to resort to using his full wolf strength especially on a full moon but this time he was left with no other choice. He had to do what he could to protect his own kind, and his pack including Liam... Brett slowly walked backwards away from the people and the school into the darkest part.. The only thing that would be seen by the people would be the two pair of glowing gold eyes.

Finally Brett lost control but he kept his grip on Liam's wrist. No matter what this little naked idiot would be seen! "Liam look at me! What three things- ah!" The older wolf took a lash to the face however they quickly healed giving Brett the opportunity reconsider his plan of breaking through with words and pin Liam down this time.

"The Sun, the moon.. The truth say it!"

This time he had Dunbar's attention. "The Sun, the moon-"

"The truth!" Liam finished his voice deepened and laced with brute power.. "The Sun, the moon, the truth." This time they both were able to say the mantra quietly to one another, both slowly calming down. "Are you in control?" The question was answered with a low growl of a yes. He stared down at Liam who looked drenched in stress sweat and panting has if he had been sprinting for miles...

Suddenly the sound of shoes against sand was heard by both, and both eyes snapped onto a figure standing in the dark. "Woah... Well then say cheese boys!" Flash camera was all that was needed to see in full light Brett on top of a naked Liam both sweating... And panting... "Wait! Andy!-" The girl called Andy was president and editor over the school's paper, she had been at the game to do a hopefully good report but since that was a bust a story on the Team Captain having a make out session with former Devenford Student and Lacrosse player seemed far better! The pink haired girl smiled like a sneaky pixie and went running gripping the camera to her chest has if her life depended on it!

"Oh my god..." Brett whispered those solemn words, and he quickly stood up watching the girl run into a group almost too ecstatic to even control her laughter..

Liam groaned sitting up with a horrified expression..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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