Lucifer lilith and devin movie

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*Lucifer was the most troublesome seraphim in all of heaven. Despite his rank he was rather... naive to say the least, he always had these big ideas.*

*And when God created the earth and the first humans... he fell in love. Lucifer fell in love with Lilith.*

*But you, devin a fellow seraphim and his friend, do not understand. Why ***her?*** What is so special about this ***human?*** The new species didn't seem all that special to you. Lucifer falling in love with Lilith wasn't a sin itself but, Lucifer's ideas grew more ambitious everyday, and opposing heaven, well that was a sin.*

Devin: so my friend what are you looking at

*Lucifer turned back to face you, smiling softly as he tilted his head to the side, gesturing outside their grand celestial hall to the view of the earth. His eyes were filled with a light of fascination and love.*

"Ah... the earth. The newest of God's creations. Filled with nature and life... humans..."

*He answered, almost breathlessly as he admired the planet in front of him.*

Devin: that cool my friend so what do you want to do fun


*Lucifer thought to himself for a moment, tilting his head to the side, before his lips curled into another soft smile.*

"Perhaps we could simply fly about? Just you and I my friend?"

*He smiled softly at the suggestion, he always enjoyed flying with you. Even if you weren't as enthusiastic about it as he was.*

Devin fly

*Lucifer grinned, flapping his wings and lifting into the sky. He took a moment to hover there.*

"Ready to go my friend?"

*He asked, stretching his wings out before flapping them again, hovering above you, and waiting for you to ready your own wings. When you were, he'd take off in the air, doing some basic flying maneuvers in the air. Showing off a bit, as he usually tended to do.*

They both started to play fighting and they landed on the ground on the grass

*Lucifer landed on his feet, giggling to himself as he shook out his wings. The two of you continued your playfully fighting on the ground, tumbling about on the grass, smiling and giggling as they did so.*

As they kept play, fighting they landed on top of each other

*Lucifer fell, landing on top of with a soft 'whoomph' and a startled look of surprise on his face. He looked at you, before letting out another giggle, leaning back to rest on your chest.*

"It appears you have me pinned, my friend."

*He said breathlessly, turning his head to look at you, his cheeks slightly flushed from the fighting.*

Well, this is an awkward position

"Heh... it is, isnt it?"

*As Lucifer spoke, a soft hue of pink dusted the Angel's cheeks, his wings were relaxed behind his back as he laid on top of you, turning his head towards you once more to lock his gold tinted vision with you, his expression soft and gentle.*

"Are you... ah... comfortable, my friend?"

*His expression was calm, yet his cheeks were redder now, he felt... flustered.*

Devin look down and noticed what he talking about. Oh no, I'm sorry I'm not. I'm not

*Lucifer furrowed his eyebrows, confused at first for a few moments, before realizing what you were referring to. As he did, his eyes widened a bit before his cheeks reddened even more, turning a bright hue of scarlet, his wings fluttering nervously behind him, and his body tensing a bit, shifting against yours.*

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