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[y/n's bedroom]

y/n using the laptop

Y/N's POV~

Uhh!! 2 more slides and I'm done with this stupid presentation! I can't believe I've been up all night just to finish this stupid damn presentation!!! urhhgg!! I should have just told Secretary Jun to do all this shit.

(knock knock)

Who is it early in the morning? With an uninterested, weary voice i said "come in"

Good morning maam , came the voice of our housemaid, Mr. Hwang wants to see you right now.He says he has something very important to talk to you about."Just give me a sec"I replied,as she closed the door shut.

Urhhh what does he want now??


I closes my laptop and go down to the living room

"What do you want now dad??"I asked in my tired grumpy voice.

"y/n! mind your attitude"he replied.

"dad! im busy,if you have something to tell,just tell me already or Im going! "

"ok fine,atleast sit down "

I sit on the couch.

Mr.Hwang: y/n....listen honey,me and your mom have been talking and we have already decided on something, please listen carefully,and you cannot say no to this.

y/n: what?

Mr Hwang: Listen,he's a good guy,he's good looking and his family is one of our major investors. If you say yes to this,they are gonna invest big and our stocks are going to skyrocket.This can change everything,we'd be one of the leading companies in the whole of South Korea.And if we are able to successfully open another branch,we'll have loads and loads of foreign investors ready to give their money to us.

Y/N:wait,what are you-wait this is not about marriage is it-

Mr.Hwang: C'mon y/n! you cant always ignore the fact that your 24 and it's time for you to get married!I dont get why you always regect all the good boys I find for you,but seriously y/n, you cant step away from this,were gonna go really really big after this marriage.


Mr Hwang: and ofcouse you dont have to worry about your-


the room was filled with complete silence

Y/N:why do you always have to bring up marriage,im still 24 i have lots of time left! And if you want some rich investors to support your company look for some other way! Im not going to get married for you to increase your stocks or anything.

Mr Hwang: y/n listen,this is not just for me,its for our company,our family.The Lee's are very nice people and i dont want to disappoint them,so please..please listen to your old man for once.

Y/N:no dad! no matter what you say,im not going to agree to this marriage!!I dont care how rich they are and how much money they have,and i think im old enough to make my own decisions on who i am going to marry!

and with that I got up from the sofa and got out of the house

Y/N's POV~

urgh!! its always marriage!! is marriage like the the key to every problem or what!? i dont understand them one bit,If he want big money, big investment why dont he go and marry mr.Lee's son!!

I went to my car,and decided to take a drive to get some fresh air and clear my mind.

[y/n's car]

~y/n's phone ringing~

Y/N:who is it now?

I check my phone and-

Y/N:oh it Ryujin!!

I pick up the call

Y/N:oh hey!! Ryujiiin!! what's up!!

Ryujin:Hey y/n,where are you?


Ryujin: Can you meet up with me at the restaurant near my place?

Y/N:hmm...ok sure,be right there!

I cut the call,and head straight to the restaurant.

(some time later)

I enter the restaurant,as i do,I hear a very familliar voice

Unknown: Y/nnnn!! heree!!!

I turn around to the place from where my name was being called,there I saw Ryujin sitting at a table in the far end corner of the restaurant,I walk up to the table.


I take a seat just opposite to hers

Ryujin: Hey dude,nothin much just wanted to talk to you,its been so long since we last properly hanged out,since its a weekend i thought we'd catch up with some drinks.

a waiter approached our table and placed two plates of tteokbokki(korean rice cake) and 2 bottles of soju on it.

Y/N:You seriously wanna get drunk first thing in the morning?

Ryujin starts pouring soju into two glasses,as I speak

Rujin:C'mon man,its been a while,quit being a party pooper and start drinking up!

Y/N:(drinks soju)Ahhhh! Soju in the morning really hits differentt!!


Ryujin pours me another cup


Ryujin: Huh what? Spill what?

Y/N:C'mon I know you like for more than 12 years,ik when something's up,why else would you call me out for drinking soju in broad daylight.

Ryujin:It's hard to get anything past you isnt it,ook fine,what u told is right,there's something bothering me.

y/n:what is it?

Ryujin: UUmmm soo..the thing is that...,me and Hyunjin broke up.....

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