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The commune's car was discovered as soon as it entered the range of the Unity Brigade. Bicycles were rare these days, let alone four-wheeled ones. In the minds of the Unity Brigade members, if they used a car, it must be something big, or some important person had come.

So when he saw the car, he ran back to find the brigade leader and the brigade secretary. When the car stopped at the gate of the Youth Academy, the brigade leader and the brigade secretary also rushed over.

In addition to the team leader and the brigade secretary, many other team members gathered around to watch the excitement. As a result, when they saw Li Qiu and Liu Meiling getting off the car, they were dumbfounded: "Aren't these the two educated youth who were taken away this morning? Why are they released again?"

Secretary Li and Public Security Liu also got off the car. The team leader and the brigade secretary hurriedly greeted Secretary Li. The team members who were still mumbling and guessing heard the team leader call him secretary, and they exclaimed, this is the secretary of the commune.

"I wonder what instructions Secretary Li brought to our brigade?" The team leader asked cautiously, fearing that Secretary Li would not say what he wanted to hear.

"I am here to send these two young educated youths back. Thanks to their help, our commune was able to solve a false accusation case today. These two girls are great contributors," Secretary Li pointed to Li Qiu and Liu Meiling who were standing quietly on the side and said with a smile: "Your brigade is good."

The wrinkles on the faces of the brigade leader and the brigade secretary were shining with laughter, and they kept saying humblely: "It's still the guidance from the top."

"Okay, I have sent the people back in one piece. Otherwise, you and Secretary Shi can take me to see the situation of the land in your brigade." Secretary Li also played this polite game. After sending the people back, he went straight to see the situation of the grain planted in the land. The team leader and the brigade secretary hurriedly wanted to take him to see it. Before leaving, Secretary Li also said hello to Li Qiu and Liu Meiling: "Thank you for today's work, Li Qiu and Liu Meiling. You are good young people and good educated youth."

This was to finish his previous words. After saying it, he did not stop and followed the team leader and the brigade secretary to the field. Even Liu Gongan followed behind, and the other team members followed him.

This is a commune cadre. They rarely go to the commune a few times a year, let alone meet the commune cadres.

The children in the team did not follow, but gathered around the car, wanting to touch it but not daring to touch it. They looked at the car with shining eyes and envy.

The educated youths did not follow them, but surrounded Li Qiu and Liu Meiling to ask about the situation.

Liu Meiling sneered and told the story, and cursed the informant at the end. The other educated youths also looked as if they had never seen such a thing before, and they all felt unbelievable.

"It was just a matter of borrowing food, but someone actually reported, speculated, and framed me. I don't know what happened to Li Qiu and me." She said this in a gloomy and loud voice. In fact, even if the commune did not say who reported it, she could guess roughly that only the educated youth knew that she had taken food from Li Qiu's room, and only the female educated youth in their room knew that they had run out of food.

Among the female educated youth in their room, an old educated youth, Wang Danxin, had gone home to visit her family and had not returned yet. Only Yu Hongying, Wei Kangmei, Zhang Yuanyuan and Zhao Xiaoxiao were there. She felt that Zhao Xiaoxiao was the most suspicious among these people.

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