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Having said that they would go to the mountains to find some food to supplement their income, the educated youths in the Youth House did not hesitate. After a quick lunch, some carried baskets, some carried baskets, and after locking the gate, they went up the mountain.

The old educated youths not only knew a lot of wild vegetables and mushrooms, but also knew about elm, locust, yam, and kudzu root. The new educated youths who had never seen them before were at a loss when they went up the mountain. They didn't know much about anything except wild vegetables and mushrooms.

At this time, in addition to the educated youths, there were also team members who went into the mountains. The educated youths and team members were clearly separated, and they would not go to the same place even to find mushrooms and wild vegetables.

But there were exceptions.

The old educated youths in the Youth House all stepped back a little when they saw the middle-aged woman walking towards them, even Jiang Yue and Yu Hongying were no exception. The middle-aged woman who made them feel like they were facing a formidable enemy came over with a warm face and stretched out her hand to shake Li Qiu's hand.

Li Qiu: "......???" What's going on?

Fortunately, although she was confused, she still reflexively held the handles of the basket with both hands, making her miss. The middle-aged woman's smile almost froze on her face, but she quickly regrouped, as if she knew that Li Qiu didn't want to shake her hand, she immediately changed her strategy and stood less than three steps in front of Li Qiu, looking at Li Qiu's eyes as if she was looking at her favorite son again, dragging out a long voice with an aunt's smile: "Niece."

The educated youth behind her shuddered together.

Li Qiu held the hairs standing up under her clothes and asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm your Aunt Guihua." Aunt Guihua looked at her with an expression of "Hey, kid, why don't you recognize me? Although you don't know me, I won't bother with you." "My niece is indeed a girl from the capital. She is different from country people like us. Look at this dress. Auntie has never seen such beautiful clothes in her life."

As she spoke, she reached out to touch it. Li Qiu quickly avoided it and took a few steps back. She looked at Aunt Guihua and said seriously, "My family has been a single-line family for three generations."

As soon as the voice fell, a burst of laughter came from behind. Aunt Guihua's face froze again. Li Qiu was close to see that the wrinkles on her face jumped. She went to the countryside to receive re-education for the poor and middle peasants for her own purpose. She had no intention of making enemies, and of course she would not let anyone think that she was a soft persimmon to be squeezed. Li Qiu instinctively disliked the way Auntie Guihua looked at her like a fat sheep.

"Look at what my niece said. You are our family member when you come to our team. Auntie treats you as her own niece." Maybe Auntie Guihua was thick-skinned, or maybe she really needed Li Qiu, so she finally held back and didn't get angry: "I see my niece is not young anymore. I wonder if she has a partner now? If not, take a look at Dazhu from my niece's family. Dazhu is handsome, filial and a cultured person." She said with a smile on her face and didn't wait for Li Qiu to answer, "I see that my niece has come here from the capital alone and has no relatives to take care of her. It's better for her to get married early and find a caring person. In the future, she can take care of the children at home. I will take care of the housework, and Dazhu can also... Earn money to support you, and you will have someone to take care of you and you won't be bullied by others. Don't you think this is right, niece?"

Li Qiu smiled but looked cold: "Auntie, I have a fiancé, he is a soldier, and breaking a military marriage will lead to a military court."

"Oh, my niece's partner is also a soldier, so you will have a good life in the future." Aunt Guihua continued to smile as if she didn't mind at all, and the look in her eyes when she looked at her was still the same as looking at a fat sheep to be slaughtered: "Is it the male soldier who came to your Youth Academy yesterday? That soldier comrade is also good-looking, and he looks energetic, and he is also a good match for my niece."

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