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After entering the yard, Li Qiu and Shi Nier saw a group of respected elders in the team, like old children, talking in wonder around the wood with mushrooms growing on it.

Shi Nier looked at her father and her third great-uncle again, and felt that Li Qiu's plan to grow mushrooms had been more than half successful. Most of the high-scoring people in the team were here, and it would be easy to convince them.

Sure enough, the team leader and the team secretary came over with complicated looks from the older generation after a while: "Little Li, we need to come up with a plan for this."

Li Qiu nodded: "I have already written a plan." She calmly took out the plan she had prepared long ago from her bag under the burning eyes of several people.

"Little Li, the educated youth, is well prepared." The team leader praised the plan before he even opened it. After opening it, he was more and more surprised. After reading it, he hurriedly handed the plan to the team secretary: "Uncle San, look, it's feasible."

The team secretary glanced at the team leader indifferently, and the team leader quickly put away the smile on his face and returned to his usual serious look.

The educated youths watching: "......"

I don't know why the team leader's look just now was really a bit embarrassing, but what did Li Zhiqing give to the team leader to make him laugh like this? Seeing that all the influential people in the team came to see the mushrooms raised by Li Zhiqing, could it be related to mushrooms?

For a moment, the educated youths looked at Li Qiu with complicated eyes.

How could there be such a big difference between people?

The brigade secretary did not immediately open the plan written by Li Qiu to read it, but nodded to Li Qiu: "Little educated youth Li, we will take this back first, and we will give you a reply after we and the old folks have read it and discussed it."

"Okay, Secretary." Li Qiu smiled, not surprised at all that the brigade secretary did not agree on the spot.

It was difficult for the native farmers to suddenly accept something they had little contact with and did not understand. Li Qiu also knew that if the cadres in the team had no intention of generating income for the team and only wanted to live on the fields and the pigs, it would be useless even if her plan was written with great fanfare.

The brigade secretary was still smiling, and a group of people left the Youth House one after another. Li Qiu sent them to the gate and did not move again. From their looks, it was clear that these old men had something to discuss with the brigade cadres, so there was no need for her to be so tactless.

As the group walked away, an educated youth came over and asked, "Li educated youth, what happened?"

Li Qiu looked up at Hu Weiguo who was asking the question. The smile on the corner of his mouth was faint: "Lu Zhan and I have found mushroom strains, and the secretary and the team leaders came to see the mushrooms in our Youth Academy."

"So will our team grow mushrooms in the future?" Hu Weiguo's eyebrows flew up: "If we really grow mushrooms, can we give priority to our Youth Academy?"

"It's not certain yet, so I can't say anything casually. What if it doesn't work out soon?" Li Qiu smiled and was unmoved: "And even if we really want to grow mushrooms, the team has the final say on how to select people, not me. If I have the final say, I will definitely take care of our educated youth comrades."

Growing mushrooms is not a difficult thing. With the strains, the elderly and children can do it, and it doesn't require strong labor.

Hu Weiguo sneered: "Then the educated youth Li must not forget us if they have the chance."

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