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Lu Zhan was resting today. After washing the dishes, he took a hoe and went out to help Li Qiu clean the ground. Actually, there was nothing to clean. Li Qiu had nothing to do every day, so he just rubbed the ground. Lu Zhan helped loosen the soil.

"Why don't we make a bread kiln?" Li Qiu suggested after looking at the bricks left in the corner of the wall.

Lu Zhan raised his eyebrows and did not refuse: "Then you come with me to dig soil in the mountains."

"Yeah, okay." Li Qiu nodded. She went back to her room to change clothes, then put on her small backpack, locked the door, and followed Lu Zhan.

Lu Zhan was carrying two winnowing baskets on a shoulder hook, and there was a hoe on the shoulder hook. He held the hoe and the shoulder hook with one hand, and held Li Qiu with the other hand.

The passing special operations company soldiers looked at their iron-faced vice-captain holding his sister-in-law's hand, smiling in a "sleazy" way, and they were so upset that they wanted to punch Fei Lu Zhan's face.

It was really too annoying, most of them were still single, and even those who were married had not followed the army.

My hands were itchy, I wanted to beat someone up.

Unfortunately, I couldn't beat him up.

Xiao Yu, who had a mouthful of dog food, nudged his comrade next to him with his elbow: "Tell me, if we go over and beat up the deputy captain now, will the deputy captain not fight back for the sake of his sister-in-law? After all, it's not good to be too rude in front of your newlywed wife, right?"

"You wish." A soldier who had already married rolled his eyes at him: "The deputy captain is so passionate about his sister-in-law that he dares to fight back if we dare to rush up and beat him. A man's face is very important."

"That's right." Another married soldier followed up and echoed: "Xiao Xiao, if it were you, would you rather keep your demeanor in front of your sweetheart and let others beat you, or would you rather beat up a bunch of people by yourself to show your charm."

"It seems to make some sense." Xiao Yu scratched his head. If he had a partner, he would definitely let his partner know how powerful he is, If someone hits him, he won't not fight back.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu looked at Lu Zhan and Li Qiu who had already walked away with some regret, and then left with his comrades talking.

When he heard no more sound from behind, Li Qiu laughed out loud with great joy: "It seems that they have a deep grudge against you."

"There is no way, I am just that good." Lu Zhan also pulled the corner of his mouth: "There are so many people who want to beat me up, and they have to line up."

Li Qiu's face was immediately a little bit hard to describe. How much cats and dogs hate this cat, and there are people lining up to beat him up. It was her own choice. She and Lu Zhan both traveled through time. She chose to go to the countryside to change other people's impression of her original self and be herself, while Lu Zhan chose to imitate the words and deeds of the previous Lu Zhan and assimilate himself.

At first glance, the two choices made by Lu Zhan are quite difficult to implement. After all, it is not easy for a cold-faced iceberg to become such a "silly and funny guy", but Lu Zhan did it. Not only did he do it, he also did it better than his predecessor.

Perhaps Lu Zhan also didn't like himself in his previous life, and he also wanted to live a happy life.

Thinking about it this way, it's actually quite good. Although Lu Zhan is sometimes unreliable, he is more reliable most of the time.

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