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Li Qiu was diagnosed with pregnancy at the end of June, which happened to be the first month after her cousin Shangguan and Han Wangguo confirmed their relationship. She was relatively early to show signs of pregnancy. After waking up a few mornings feeling uncomfortable and nauseous, she went to the hospital and found out she was pregnant.

Although she had been prepared for pregnancy and childbirth under Lu Zhan's persistent "brainwashing" and had just stopped using contraception not long ago, she never expected that she and Lu Zhan were in such good physical condition that she would be pregnant so soon.

She was excited and surprised to be pregnant, but she also felt a little complicated. Given her and Lu Zhan's physical conditions, if they don't plan to have children in the future, they must take contraceptive measures, otherwise they will be at a loss if they get pregnant unexpectedly.

It's okay now, but when the family planning policy starts and she gets pregnant, it will be a big deal. If she aborts the baby, she will definitely be reluctant to do so. If she gives birth to the baby, it will violate the regulations. There are too many people watching the Li and Lu families, and one wrong step may lead to eternal damnation.

Or, if she doesn't plan to have children, she can get Lu Zhan sterilized?

Li Qiu rubbed his palms and began to think seriously about the feasibility of this matter.

Since she was found to be pregnant, Lu Zhan watched her closely, fearing that she might make a mistake. He also took care of all the housework and did not let Li Qiu do anything. When this matter spread, some military wives in the family area felt sour.

They are both women, and they both married soldiers, so why is there such a big difference?


Li Qiu was well taken care of by Lu Zhan for three months. At that time, according to the custom of not telling others about pregnancy before three months, Li Qiu did not tell the capital about her pregnancy yet. Only she, Lu Zhan and her husband, Shangguan cousin and Han Wangguo knew about it.

After getting pregnant, Li Qiu became even lazier and looked bad. Not only did she feel sick in the morning, but she also couldn't eat every day and would vomit if she ate.

Lu Zhan was more anxious than Li Qiu. He was good at cooking and found ways to improve Li Qiu's diet every day. He always had different things to do, such as flying in the sky, running on the land, and swimming in the water. It was because Lu Zhan had a high salary, Li Qiu had many savings and was subsidized by many families, and Li Qiu had strong space material support that they could afford their extravagance.

Because Li Qiu looked bad when she was pregnant, Lu Zhan didn't even let her do much in the space. If he hadn't heard from the doctor that pregnant women could exercise appropriately, he might have banned Li Qiu from doing any work in the space.

After three months of pregnancy, Li Qiu started to walk outside. She was not really willing to move around, and she knew that her physical condition was actually quite good, but morning sickness was not something that could be cured by the healing power, it could only provide relief. She couldn't explain why the healing power didn't work, and finally discussed it with Lu Zhan, blaming it on her weakness.

However, to improve the healing ability, one must rely on crystal cores or frequently use the ability. Neither Li Qiu nor Lu Zhan have crystal cores, and using healing abilities on others is even more impossible. This behavior is too risky. Even Li Qiu did not use the healing ability to directly regulate the bodies of Marshal Li and Madam Jiang. Instead, he condensed the ability into a solid and added it to the wild royal jelly and mixed it evenly, so that the ability could be completely integrated into the royal jelly.

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