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On March 16, 1979, all border troops were withdrawn to the country.

Lu Zhan returned to the capital at the end of March. When he left, the weather was cold and snowy. When he returned, the snow had begun to melt. Li Qiu's belly had begun to swell up a little at this time. She wore a beautiful coat and sheepskin boots and walked carefully on the road with the twins.

She walked slowly with her belly, and the twins walked even slower, taking care of the little sister in their mother's belly. When the three of them walked home slowly, Lu Zhan had already prepared the meal and was waiting at the gate.

As soon as the mother and her children appeared in his sight, Lu Zhan stood up and ran towards them.


The twins were sharp-eyed. When they saw the man coming, they hurriedly wrestled away from Li Qiu's hand and ran quickly towards Lu Zhan. The two brothers held hands and ran forward. Because they ran too fast, they tripped halfway and one of them brought the other down. Then they got up, patted the snow off their bodies and continued to run forward.

The two brothers ran happily, opened their arms and reached out for a hug, but the dad they missed so much passed them and ran directly behind them.

Li Dengdeng: "???"

Lu Baobao: "???"

Dad doesn't want us anymore?

Lu Zhan didn't know how shocked his two sons were. He rushed over and hugged Li Qiu: "Qiuqiu, I'm back."

He hadn't been able to express his excitement and affection to his wife whom he hadn't seen for a long time, and Li Qiu pushed her away. The latter covered her belly cautiously: "Be careful, don't hit the child."

Lu Zhan: "???"


The three of them had the same expression and the same question.

Lu Zhan, who had already been a father and had experienced Li Qiu's pregnancy, came back to his senses in surprise: "Are you pregnant? How many months? Are you tired? Are you hungry?"

Then he frowned: "It's cold outside, let's go home first, don't freeze."

He held Li Qiu's hand and turned to walk home, then his eyes fell on the twins who were still stupid and dazed in front of him: "Deng Deng, Bao Bao, come here quickly."

Li Deng Deng and Lu Bao Bao forgot what they had just forgotten when their father called them, grinned and ran towards Lu Zhan and Li Qiu: "Dad--."

Lu Zhan waved at them, then held Li Qiu in one hand and Li Deng Deng in the other, and Li Deng Deng held Lu Bao Bao, and the family walked home.

"Dad, did you, aunt, uncle, and other uncles drive away the bad guys?"


"Then Dad, where are the little tanks and wooden warehouses you promised us?"

"They are at home. You can see them when you go back."

"Dad, mom has two little sisters in her belly. Are you happy?"

"Two little sisters?" Lu Zhan looked at Li Qiu in surprise: "Is what they said true?"

Li Qiu laughed and shook her head: "We only know that they are twins, but we don't know yet." I don't want to check if it's a boy or a girl. I'll be more surprised when the baby is born."

Lu Zhan nodded: "Yeah, that's right. If it's twins, the nutrition should be kept up. I'll buy a chicken and stew it for you."

"No need. Grandma just sent me a big bowl of chicken soup yesterday. I haven't finished it yet. Let's talk about it after I finish it."

"That's fine." It's easier to buy live chickens now, and it's fresher to buy more after eating. Before he even got home, Lu Zhan had gone over the recipes for the next few days in his mind several times. Li Qiu was also taken care of by Lu Zhan when she was pregnant before. He didn't ask anyone else to help her from pregnancy to confinement. Now he is also familiar with the way of taking care of her again.

After entering the house, the twins saw the little Mumu Cang and the little Tank on the table. They cheered and shook off Lu Zhan's hand, ran to the table and stretched out their hands to take them. Then they ran out to wash their hands, and after drying their hands, they ran back to hold the little Mumu Cang and the Tank and touched them carefully again and again.

Li Qiu didn't stop them, but just warned them: "The little tank will be dismantled, so be careful when you play."

"I know, mom, we will be careful."

"Play after dinner, the food will get cold later." Lu Zhan served them food: "Hurry up and wash your hands."

The twins cheered, put down their toys and went to wash their hands. Because they were concerned about their new toys, they were a little absent-minded when eating. They quickly finished a bowl of rice, put down the bowl and chopsticks, wiped their hands and played with the new toys.

Lu Zhan and Li Qiu were still eating, and the two talked while eating. Lu Zhan only reported good news and not worries, and some confidential things could not be said, so there were relatively few things he could say. While eating the familiar food, Li Qiu told Lu Zhan about her business after the reform and opening up. As one of the first to try it out, her business was actually not understood by her classmates at Q University, and they even had some hostility towards her.

Later, we learned that her business had grown and she made a lot of money. She opened several stores, bought courtyard houses one after another, opened factories, bought land, and her wallet was full. Moreover, Li Qiu did not fall behind in her studies because of her business. She was still ranked first in the department in her major, ranked in the top three in her second foreign language, and ranked in the top ten in her second minor.

Therefore, although doing business is still a bit shameful and capitalism in their eyes, the higher-ups have also issued documents to support individual businesses, so doing business is legitimate. For a while, more and more people followed suit to do business, and some even asked if they could get goods from Li Qiu. Faced with such problems, Li Qiu always asked them to contact the director of the clothing factory. Her main job now is still a student, and everything should be based on study.

After returning from the war, he also had to make up for the classes he had taken during his absence, and he also had to make up for the exams, so he was very busy for a while.

When the freshman year was about to end, Li Qiu received good news with a big belly. She was selected to be an intern in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At this time, she had become famous for her translations and novels. People asked her to write for both novels and translated articles.

She deposited the royalties into a special passbook, which was used to store all the royalties and not for other purposes. She planned to use the money to buy gifts for the elders and children at home during festivals.

On the 26th day of Li Qiu's internship at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she suddenly got inspired. After several hours of hard work, she successfully gave birth to a pair of twin sons in the First People's Hospital of the capital.

Lu Zhan: "......." Didn't you say it was a younger sister?

Li Qiu: "......." What about the clothes worn by the girls at home?

Li Dengdeng and Lu Baobao looked at the two babies in the cradle with great disdain: "Mom, the little sister is so ugly."

Lu Zhan explained with great difficulty: "These two are brothers, not sisters."


Li Dengdeng and Lu Baobao were shocked and couldn't help crying loudly with their mouths pouted. The sound was as sad as it could be, and it was as heartbreaking as it could be.

They waited for a sister for several months, but in the end they waited for two brothers.

So heartbreaking.

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