Love, hate🧐 part 16

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Day 25:-
Vaishu threw herself into the project, determined to prove herself to abhi but as she worked she couldn't shake off the feeling of unease whenever she saw Nancy abhi,s secretary hovering around him.
Vaishu was presenting her findings to abhi but suddenly Nancy interrupted them.
N: sir I need to discuss something  with you.
( vaishu felt a surge of jealousy and her words tumbled out in a ruch )
V: can't you see we,re busy nancy! Can't you wait.
Abhi,s expression turned cold.
A: actually vaishnavi this can't wait! Nancy go ahead.
As Nancy began to speak vaishu,s jealousy boiled over.
V:( suddenly said) you're always so quick to jump to her defense aren't you abhi.
A: ( with narrowed eyes)  what are you talking about vaishnavi.
V: ( rolling her eyes) you're talking like you're blind....
N:( cutting her off) I think I should go sir.
A: hm
( Nancy left)
V: ( her words were spilled out in a venomous tone) you're just a whore abhi. A whore who,s ready to take any woman in his arms !you don't care about anyone's feelings !do you.
A:(his face went white and his eyes flashing with pain) how can you say that vaish.....
V:( cutting him off) I can say it because it's true! You're always flirting with Nancy. always finding ways to touch her. You're disgusting!
A:( his voice was low ) no that's not true. Nancy is just my employe.
V:( her laugh was bitter) save it abhi. I'm not blind, I see the way you look at her, the way you talk to her. You're just waiting for the perfect moment to pounce, aren't you.
A:( cold eyes + deep voice) vaishnavi stop it you're crossing you're line.
V: ( her words poured like a poison) i,m crossing line? You're the one who crossed the line abhi you're just a user abhi! a user and a whore.
A:( his face showed pain and his voice cracked) vaishnavi please.... Please stop( his voice was barely above a whisper) you know vaishnavi , I ever thought you'd stoop this low.
V: (she flashed angry eyes ) i'm just telling the truth abhi !you, re the one who,s living lie.
A:( his eyes locked into hers his gaze was piercing) you're the one who,s living a lie vaishnavi, you're so consumed by your own jealousy that you can't see the truth.
V:( her laughing was harsh) jealousy? You're the one to talk abhi. You're the one who,s chasing after anything in a skirt.
A: ( his face went pale with cold painful voice) that's it vaishnavi i,ve had enough of your insults.
V: ( rolling her eyes) oh poor abhi can't handle the truth. Maybe you should stick to what you're good at SEDUCING WOMEN WITH YOUR FAKE CHARM AND GOOD LOOKS.
AA:( his eyes flashing anger, his voice was low and even) that's enough you crossed your line already.
V: oh please I didn't crossed my line. You're the one who crossed the line abhi you're so desperate for attention that you'll do anything to get it.even if it means selling your body.
A:( face turned red in anger) how dare you...
V:( cold voice) I dare because it's true. You're just a desperate attention seeking wannabe stripper. Maybe you should just leave this business and all and work at a strip club instead! i'm sure you'll be great at it.
A: you know what vaishnavi I think you're just trying to hurt me because you're jealous isn,t it.
V: jealous please don't make me laugh. I,m just disgusted by you. Disgusted by your lack of morals, you lack of integrity. You're just a cheap pathetic excuse for a man.
A: ( hurt deeply) vaishnavi i,m saying again stop it or I will...
V: ( cutting him off) or you,ll what huh abhi ! Or what.
(But before abhi could say anything the door opened and Nancy walked in with a look of concern on her face)
N: sir I couldn't help but overhear... What's going on?
V:( narrowing her eyes, voice dripping with venom) oh perfect timing Nancy come to defend your lover! have,nt you.
N:( eyes widened her face went pale) mam what's wrong with you? Why are you saying these things.
V:( her laughter was harsh) oh Nancy so innocent! Isn't she abhi? She thinks she's pure, so perfect.... But really she's just a home-wrecker.
A:( his face twisted in pain his voice was firm) vaishnavi now stop that's enough.
But vaishu wouldn't stop, she was consumed by her own anger and hurt.
V:( looking at Nancy) Are you happy now! Of course you are! after all because of you .he is arguing with me.
N:( her eyes filled with tears and her voice shaking) mam that's not true! Sir and me are just boss and employe! Nothing.... Nothing else.
V:( painful smile) save it Nancy! I,m not buying it and neither is anyone else.
A:( his face went red with anger, his voice low and even) vaishnavi get out! get out of my office! get out of my sight.
V:( she just laughed, her eyes flashing with anger,her voice was painful) oh i,m leaving but this isn't the end abhi! It's just the beginning but before that let me show you something.
(Vaishu,s eyes flashed with anger and hurt as she glared at Nancy but then in a sudden move, she turned to abhi and kissed him. She roughly kissed him on the lips. Abhi was taken aback, his eyes wide with shock)
( Nancy just gasped her eyes fixed on the scene in front of her)
(Vaishu pulled back! Abhi's lips turned red and swollen)
V:( her eyes are fixed on Abhi's face while she holds his shirt,s collar and pulls him closer to herself) you're mine abhi! You'll always be mine. You are my HUSBAND! You understand! You better understand. ( left his collar lightly pushing him and last time glared at Nancy)
(With that she turned and stormed out of the office! Leaving abhi and Nancy in a awkward silence)
Abhi,s face was red ! His eyes fixed on the door! Where vaishu had exited. He looked like he just had a world war 3.
N:( with her wide eyes and pale face) sir I.... I don't know.... Know what to sa......say.
A:(with red face looking away his voice was barely above a whisper) don't say anything ! Just.... Just leave me alone.
( Nancy nodded and quietly exited the office leaving abhi to process the explosive scene that had just unfolded)
Day 30 :- THE LAST DAY.
( it's been many days and avneet finally forgives sid but didn't show it to him)
Now they are standing at a beach.
S: neet pls come with me.
N: ok but open my eyes first.
S: ok here.
Sid opened neet,s eyes.
And she saw a beautiful date setup.

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