The Tiago Cartel

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Waking up in the middle of the night to the ringing of the doorbell and faint knocks, Dahlia sat up and looked over at Diego who was already up and moving.

"You expecting someone?" He asked.

"No, not tonight." She answered. He looked at her.

"Well, not ever in the middle of the night." Dahlia continued noticing the look he gave her.

"Ill stand to the side, don't look at me." Diego responded. As they made their way downstairs the knocks grew fainter. Diego moved to the side and Dahlia opened the door slightly, only for it to be pushed by a Karinas body that was covered in blood.

"What." Dahlia gasped. She grabbed Karinas body gently and pulled her into the house.

Seeing a body with blood on it was nothing new to Diego, but Karina seeing Diego was something new to her. She looked at him with both fear and surprise in her eyes. Studying his features and taking his manly presence in. The last four years of her life had been all about Diego Santiago, and when she finally had the chance to see him he life was ending.

Dahlia watched as Karina closed her eyes suddenly. She put her two fingers on her neck to see if she still had a pulse. She exhaled when she felt the pulse.

"Im going to call an ambulance Diego." Dahlia said, hoping her would come down and support her neck.

Diego noticed Karina too. He would notice her anywhere. The woman that was so obsessed with finding him that shed put her whole life and ambitons on hold just to catch him. He took a deep breath, realizing exactly what he was about to do and switched Dahlia spots.

"Don't call the cops. Call Mariana and say 'el medica'." Diego said. Dahlia did what she was told and didn't ask any questions.

Diego tool off Karinas jacket to see when the bleeding was coming from. She had several deep cuts and they all were bleeding pretty bad. He flipped her over to check her back and took signed at what he seen.

"Maria." he thought to himself while shaking his head.

"Do you have an emergency kit? Or I just need something to wrap her wounds so I can stop her from bleeding until Mariana gets here." Diego shouted to Dahlia, who had just got off the phone with Mariana. She ran upstairs to get the wrap he asked for and when she returned Karina was conscious again.

"What you get into a fight with? A knife?" Diego asked Karina, trying to make the situation a little light. Karina laughed a bit but was in too much pain to even engage.

Diego wondered why Maria let her live. Maria was extremely skilled at what she did. Diego knew that Maria wasn't trying to kill her, but what was she trying to do?

"Something like that." Karina responded. As soon as Diego wrapped the last cut Mariana showed up with a doctor. Dahlia analyzed the Doctor as she came in. She was a black woman with an afro that was covered by a surgical cap. Dahlia admired the black woman for a little bit, then asked if she needed anything.

Mariana helped get Karina up and Karina smiled at her.

"Diegos body guard." Karina said. She was talking about them like they are celebrities that shed never seen in person.

"Id love to have someone as loyal as-"

"AHH!" she screamed when they stood her up.

"This is worse than I thought. Who know how to even c-" the Doctor cut herself off, and Dahlia noticed everyones face. Whoever cut Karina up this bad, Dahlia knew they knew exactly who it was.

"Come on Mar. We have to get her out of here." the Doctor said. She and Mariana carried her out of the house and Dahlia was stuck with Diego.

"Im going to go wi-" Diego started. He looked at Dahlia and seen the concern on her face. He gave in without even thinking about it.

"We are not going to a hospital. Do you want to come?" Diego asked her. Dahlia nodded.

"This will be cleaned up before you get back." Diego said before grabbing her hand.

Diego made a call before while making his way to his car and opening the door for Dahlia.

"You straight?" he asked Dahlia. She nodded.

When they arrived, Dahlia seen Mariana, another man she hadn't seen before, Frankie, and a woman that look very similar to Frankie.

"Do you want to come in?" Diego asked. Dahlia was hesitant.

"Its not a pretty sight. You can sit out and get some fresh air if you want. Everything is guarded and blocked off, nobody will bother you." Diego continued.

"No, ill go in." Dahlia responded. When Dahlia got closer she could hear muffled screams and also the conversation of two angry people.

"She came after me!" the female voice said.

A man yelled back, then stopped yelling when they spotted her. She followed Diego inside and sat in a chair outside the room that everyone was in. The muffled screams grew louder and louder.

"All this equipment and you mean to tell me y'all don't have no drugs!" Karina yelled.

"Wouldn't look good on that drug test." Mariana replied. Karina screamed again, then the screams grew quiet. Dahlia thought she must've passed out by now.

"And who is this? All these new people. She hasn't seen none of us face to face and now that this girl is here she's seen everyone!" the woman that looks like Frankie yelled. Dahlia assumed she was talking about her and she was correct.

"Calm down Maria." the man said.

"We're going to act like I'm not right?" she replied. Dahlia hear her say a lot of words in Spanish before hearing 'Ill do it myself.'

Maria ran over to Dahlia with a knife and swung one time nipping her shoulder but Dahlia moved too quickly. Dahlia picked up a chair as she swung again with the knife, hitting the knife off the chair. Maria equated to her fists and punched Dahlia in the middle of her face while Dahlia aimed to flip her over. The men watched in amazement before Frankie grabbed Dahlia and Diego grabbed Maria.

"You can fight?" Frankie asked Dahlia while smiling. Dahlias face was serious and she forced her way out of Frankies arms and went towards Maria, punching her in her mouth. Maria tried to break out of Diegos arms but Diego gripped her tighter while Frankie got ahold of Dahlia. Dahlia heard Maria yelling things in Spanish before being carried out. Diego let Maria go and she picked up a knife she hid on the side of her right leg and flung it far enough to reach Dahlia.

Dahlia moaned in pain and collapsed on the ground for a second. She turned around to see the smirk Maria had on her face while a little bit of blood ran down her lips before wiping it. She pulled the knife out of her leg and let out a big scream. Moaning in pain she tried to run back to Maria, full of rage and wanting to fight but was lifted up by an impressed and fed up Frankie.

Tiago Cartel: Dahlias StoryWhere stories live. Discover now