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Chapter 81 Snow White

Gu Yiye brought a full bowl of beef noodles into the bridal chamber.

Lin Shanshan was indeed hungry, and ate with great relish.

After finishing the sugar-coated egg that Lin Shanshan had taken a bite of, Gu Yiye went to get another large bowl of beef noodles.

After eating, Gu Yiye said, "My dear wife, you look so beautiful today."

Lin Shanshan looked at Gu Yiye in military uniform and said sincerely, "Brother Gu, you look so handsome today."

"Then, my beautiful wife, do you want to kiss the handsome brother Gu?" Gu Yiye put his face in front of Lin Shanshan and asked for a kiss.

Lin Shanshan didn't hesitate and kissed Gu Yiye's firm face.

This made Gu Yiye so happy that he couldn't stop smiling. He hugged Lin Shanshan for a long time and didn't want to let go.

Why is my wife so popular? !

Until Lin's father and mother came in after breakfast.


Dad Lin didn't remember how many times he had coughed on purpose. He was happy to see his precious daughter and son-in-law getting along well.

He also felt a little jealous. He had raised his precious daughter for more than ten years, but now she was taken away by this pig!

Mother Lin said, "Little Gu, didn't your elder brother and sister-in-law give you a camera? Let's take some family photos."

"Okay, Mom."

Gu Yiye had used a camera in the army, and now he took the camera and started taking photos.

He first took a few photos of Dad Lin, Mother Lin, elder brother and sister-in-law, and Lin Shanshan.

He gave the camera to Zhang Wei and asked him to take photos of himself and Lin Shanshan's family together. Finally, he called Gu Xiang and Gu Yuanyuan.

Gu Xiang changed into her newly bought clothes and looked much more energetic.

Gu Yuanyuan also put on a red dress, and because she had eaten well these days, she looked plump and cute.

After taking the photos, it was noon, and guests came one after another.

Everyone sat down, and the Lin family was arranged to sit at the upper table, accompanied by Zhang Wei, Zeng Huihuang and Chen Meili.

Gu Xiang was busy and had no time to sit.

Gu Yuanyuan took the wedding candy to the children who came with their parents to the wedding.

"Little monkey, eat the wedding candy of my uncle and aunt."

Gu Yuanyuan had become familiar with the little monkey these days, and gave him a lot of candy.

"Thank you, my dear." The little monkey took the candy and smiled.

The brothers of the militia company sat at one table. They received an allowance every month, and the gift was 5 yuan per person.

Liu Jianshe gave 10 yuan as a gift and sat at the same table with his wife, the brigade cadres and their families. Li Meixiang and the accountant gave 5 yuan each. Zhu Shengli did not come. His son was injured because of Gu Yong. Although Gu Yiye and them separated, in Zhu Shengli's view, they all had the surname Gu and were still a family.

Thinking of his son's infertility, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood. Why did he come to the wedding?

Gu Dadan and Cao Chunhua did not come either. Lin Shanshan guessed that the biggest reason was that Gu Yong had been forced to work in a labor reform camp. They could not hold their heads up. If they came, they would be laughed at. So they simply hid in the house and did not go out.

Reborn in the 1970s, Educated youth went to the countryside to marry a rough manWhere stories live. Discover now