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An hour later, Su Yaoyun sat outside the clinic waiting for the doctor to call his number.

  Watching Song Zhen pacing back and forth in front of her, she felt dizzy, but then she realized that she probably scared the man.

  She reached out and pulled him to her seat, and comforted him, "Don't worry, I probably haven't eaten well recently. Look, isn't my complexion much better now?"

  Song Zhen held her hand with his backhand, took in her still somewhat pale face, and reached out to stroke her slightly cold face.

  He stood up and said, "I'll go tell someone to come and see it quickly."

  He wanted to find someone just now, but was stopped by Su Yaoyun. She felt that she didn't have any serious problems, so she gave the opportunity to someone with a more serious illness first.

  "Hey, Song Zhen..."

  Song Zhen took a step forward and disappeared into the crowd. Su Yaoyun could only watch him leave.

  Mr. Shen, who was sitting in the back row, covered his face with his hat and pretended to take a nap.

  I actually feel extremely regretful in my heart. If I had known he would come, I would not have come. Why do I feel so redundant?

  Song Zhen came back after a while and took Su Yaoyun to another clinic, where an elderly man with a kind face was sitting.

  "Uncle Yang, my wife has a poor appetite recently. Can you see if there is something wrong?"

  The old doctor was quite familiar with the Song family and used to visit them often.

  Seeing the usually calm child now becoming anxious, he hurriedly said, "Don't worry, leave it to me."

  Then he looked at Su Yaoyun with a friendly expression and said, "Child, put your hand here and I will feel your pulse."

  Then, while taking Su Yaoyun's pulse, he began to carefully observe his face.

  After a while, he looked a little confused and took the patient's pulse again.

  Su Yaoyun felt a little panicked by his behavior and began to wonder if he had some serious illness.

  Song Zhen was even more worried and couldn't help but ask, "Uncle Yang, what happened to my wife?"

  Doctor Yang then put down his hand that was checking the patient's pulse, stared at the two of them for a while with a strange look on his face, and said, "Miss, do you remember how long it has been since you last had your period?"

  Su Yaoyun's eyes widened instantly, his mouth slightly opened, and he understood everything in a flash.

  Surprised, "Uncle Yang, do you mean to say that I'm pregnant?"

  Doctor Yang looked at the shocked Su Yaoyun, then at Song Zhen whose expression was already erratic, and felt somewhat helpless towards this pair of careless new parents.

  She said, "I've been preparing for three months. You haven't eaten well during this period. It's a normal pregnancy reaction. It will be fine after a while."

  Doctor Yang thought for a moment and asked again, "You haven't taken any random medicines recently, have you?"

  Su Yaoyun shook her head hesitantly. How did she suddenly get pregnant?

  She looked at Song Zhen, silently asking what was going on.

  But Song Zhen was obviously more shocked than her. He looked at her belly with surprise and joy.

Daily Life of Pig Farming in 1970Where stories live. Discover now