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Chapter 166 Pregnancy makes women stupid for three years

Ten minutes later, Director Wu finished his phone call and brought good news.

"The headquarters agreed, saying that your university is a great thing for the country and the people, and must be supported."

Director Wu said excitedly, asked Gu Yiye and Lin Shanshan to sit down, and asked his subordinates to pour two cups of tea, and asked: "I don't know what to call you two? Who is the president?"

Gu Yiye said: "My name is Gu Yiye, my wife is the president, her name is Lin Shanshan."

Director Wu is from the newspaper office and is well-informed. He knows that General Ren Shiyou found his lost grandson some time ago, and he must be the one in front of him.

After all, the surnames are different.

Director Wu's expression was natural. He did not gossip about the private affairs of the old general's family. He just said to Lin Shanshan: "Principal Lin, you are really young and promising. Women are not inferior to men."

Lin Shanshan has heard such words too many times and has nothing to be embarrassed about. She accepted it calmly and asked: "Director Wu, how much is the advertising fee?"

Director Wu replied: "The headquarters said, 50 a day, and give you a quarter of the page space."

Lin Shanshan knew that after the advertising was restored in 1979, the daily fee for an advertisement was 500 yuan at first, and it rose to 800 yuan in less than a month.

Now 50 yuan, and a quarter of the page space, is simply a pleasant surprise.

The influence of this newspaper should not be underestimated. It is no exaggeration to say that any Chinese who can read has read it.

In this era, there was no Internet, and even televisions were only available to a few families. People usually only had newspapers to get information and entertainment.

Lin Shanshan said readily: "Then let's do a week of publicity first."

As she spoke, she wrote down the positions to be recruited, the number of people, the requirements and the salary, and handed them to Director Wu.

In terms of enrollment, she wrote down the two ways of paying tuition and the admission conditions, told Director Wu the time to report, and that a total of 1,000 people would be recruited.

When Director Wu heard the number of 1,000, he said with some disapproval, "Although it is easy for the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University to recruit students, and many people even want to go but cannot, your university of science and technology is a private university, and it has just started, so I am afraid you can't recruit that many people."

Lin Shanshan smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, let's set this number first."

Director Wu saw that the president was not in a hurry, so he didn't know what to say. However, his son should go, so he told his son the news after get off work.

Lin Shanshan paid 350 yuan for the advertisement. She was supposed to make the final draft herself, but she believed in the professionalism of the newspaper, so she said:

"Director Wu, please make the layout more eye-catching. The number of words does not have to be large, but it must be large so that people who read the newspaper will notice it at the first time."

Director Wu patted his chest and assured: "Principal Lin, don't worry. I have been doing this for more than 20 years. I will design it for you personally."

Reborn in the 1970s, Educated youth went to the countryside to marry a rough manWhere stories live. Discover now