4. First meeting

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There is a song in this chapter, play it when I tell you.

Ila was drying her wet hairs. After coming back from Aeni's home she took a shower to make her body relief because she was very tired.

Only one thing was kept roaming in her mind that what was Singhaniya's were doing there? Does Aeni's family have any relation with them?

All the people were present there, But he was not there. Why? Because of her?

To divert her mind, she approached the bed, picking up her phone from the side table, she started looking at the pictures of the party.

She was looking at the photos when suddenly she felt someone breathing on the back of her neck. She looked back and her eyes widened.

She was about to scream when Kavish instantly covered her mouth with the palm of his hand and hovered over her, pinning her to the bed.

"Shsh... Don't scream" he whispered, removing his hand from her mouth. And Ila began to breathe heavily, her heart beating very fast against her ribs.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Ila said, irritated and pushed him. But Kavish held her hands above her head.

"Dare to push me again and see what I'll do with you" He threatened, at which she felt scared.

"W-why have you came here?" She stammered.  A smirk formed on his face, leaning down to her lips he whispered  "Wouldn't it be better to tell by doing it, rather than speaking? Ila's shuddered at his actions.

"I've broken up with you, no? Then why are you doing this?" Ila asked, her eyes glistening with tears.

"I will not let you go like this baby,  If Kavish Rai Singhaniya's eyes fell on something then he win it, by hook or by crook." He murmured.

"Please... Don't to this with me. I'm not a thing you'll play with." Ila said, her voice choked.

"Yes, I'll play with you but not as a thing baby. I like you Ila and I can't lose you." Kavish said with a chuckle but truthfully.

"You entered my life on your own choice and now leaving without any reason, but I'll never let you leave me. I want to spend my whole life with you Ila. Even if I had to force you, I'll do it whether you like it or not." He continued in a slightly threatening way.

Now what can Ila do? She have no way going back. She had to agree  with him. But it is also true that Ila also likes him. But somewhere in her heart she's not sure about their relationship.

What if their relationship ends up like her parents'? She have always craved for her parents love. But instead of getting love, she've always suffered because of her parents. They were so busy in fighting and insulting each other that they never gave the attention and love to Ila she deserved.

"Please don't ever hurt me," Ila said. “Never” Kavish replied, assuring her. She snuggled into his chest, hugging him, and Kavish caressed her hairs. 

Meanwhile, Aeni fell asleep thinking about Ayden.

And Ayden was sitting alone, on the floor, leaning to the bed in the dark room. There was a huge photo in front of him which had Aeni's painting on it. Which he had made when he saw her for the first time.

You can now play music.

Flashback starts

"Dad, you forced me, so I had to come at this stupid farewell party, even if I did not want to, but now I am not going to stay here even for a minute." Ayden said,  irritated. 

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