Charmed - 1.

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I'm able to keep it together while in the taxi on the way to the airport. At least I wasn't destitute. I had everything I needed to get out of this stupid town and away from Brice. I still can't believe he would do this to me after I forgave him!

I was lucky enough to catch the last flight to Cape Town around midnight. However, the next flight to Durban was at 8AM leaving me with too much quiet time for my mind to run rampant. Between my disparaging thoughts and the club attire that had me freezing in the wee hours of the morning, I was miserable.

The shops were closed and the terminals' air conditioning was set unnecessarily low. I must have looked quite a sight after taking off my heels and walking around barefoot. It felt like the warning signs were haunting me from my last dream where I was at odds with Brice to Antonela's words when we went shopping: They sow their wild oats until it's time to settle down. Clearly, he's into you but there have been others. I'm a realist. A man like that can have any woman he wants. Why you? Why Hailey, for that matter?

I hated to admit that she was right. I thought I was special. Silly Soleil. And to think that I was out shopping with his money to replace the bathing suit he'd burned. The absolute nerve of that asshole to be jealous over me. He'd projected his insecurities onto me because he was the cheater between the two of us.

I cried over copious amounts of coffee at the cafe that was open as I pondered my life. I drowned my sorrows with wine once I got on the flight telling myself it was 12 o'clock somewhere. I was intoxicated and numb by the time I got home.

I hadn't contacted my gran or aunt, but I figured they'd give me a pass once I told them the sad love story that was my life. Brice and I had dated for a week. That was a new record, believe it or not. Someone call Guinness or Ripley. I don't think I'm cut out for relationships.

After taking a shower, I change into some comfy PJs and pass out. When I wake up, it's mid-afternoon. Just when I steel myself to face the music Nosipho, our housekeeper, tells me that Gogo and Michelle haven't been in for a few days. She usually comes in to housesit more than anything.

The last time I saw Gogo was at Riaan's estate. My aunt may be in Jozi. I breathe a sigh of relief. Michelle was already on my ass about Brice and getting pregnant when I left. Gogo on the other hand may accidentally-on-purpose snitch my location which will have Brice popping up in my room unexpectedly and uninvited.

It would be too soon if I saw him again in this lifetime. I wanted to get as far away from him as possible. Hopefully, we've parted ways from this day forth never to meet again.

I should have spent the week with the family in Joburg like Gogo had planned. Hell, I should have been productive and taken my driver's test again but noooo. I decided to go galavating with that stupid hammerhead. I can't go back in time now, can I? So, I decided to move forward and Facetime my bestie instead who I haven't had a proper conversation with in what feels like forever.

"Hey Char!"


"Are you busy?"

She's dressed down, makeup-free, and her hair is in a high puff out of her face which means she's focused on something.

"Yes. No. I mean, we can chat. Hold on."

She moves out of the frame and a few seconds later makes an appearance. Did this girl just mount her phone? I can see her seated at a desk with two laptops open.

"Char, what are you working on? You do know the holidays are a time to relax?"

"I'm running a program to trace an algorithmic code that keeps changing."

"Please tell me you are not hacking any government or private organisations."

"Hmmm, I don't think so but then again I didn't ask. Maybe. I'm not sure. I'll know when I'm done."

"I can't with you." The girl is a techie and has committed to a degree in Computer Science while I still haven't made up my mind. "Where are you?"

"New York."

"What? When did you get there and why didn't you tell me?"

"Uh... it slipped my mind?"

"That sounds more like a question than a statement and your memory recall is amazing. Try again."

She sighs dramatically and finally turns from her screen to give me her undivided attention.

"No one's supposed to know I'm here. Please don't be mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you. Why would I be mad at you? But more importantly, why are you keeping your location a secret?"

"Remember the wish I made? That's why." Oh no. Not that nonsense that has made a mess out of my life. "And I may have also told my parents that we were together. As far as they know I'm with you and your family."

"Seriously Charlondra!" I holler. "Who are you with?"

"I can't."

"If you don't tell me, I'm calling your dad as soon as we hang up."

"You wouldn't."

"Try me heffer. I'd rather have you mad at me but know that you're safe in case anything happens. Now tell me, are you in New York City or the state."

"I'm in the state on the outskirts of the city."

"Send me your location. NOW!"

"I can't. I've been sworn to secrecy. I should be free in a couple of days."

"What have you gotten yourself into and who are you with? Why can't you tell me? You're starting to stress me out."

"I promise I'll tell you everything when we meet. I'm on a time crunch so I gotta go. Don't worry okay? Trust me. Have a little faith that I know what I'm doing."

"I do but – "

"No buts. Love you."

The call ends and I'm left dumbfounded staring at the icons on my screen. Did this girl just hang up on me? I thought I would be telling my tale of woe and having my rational best friend put things into perspective only for Charlondra to clearly have lost her damn mind.

I snap out of it and start checking for flights. I book one that's set to leave in the late evening. Next, I call my uncle to let him know I'll be arriving sooner than expected and start packing.

I can't believe I left my clothes, shoes, bags, jewellery, toiletries and even the money Brice gave me to cover the losses he cost me. I roll my eyes when I think back to his little spiel on money and liquidity. Damn him for being so callous with things and making me feel the same. At least they're replaceable; my friend isn't.

Charlondra may be smart but her actions aren't very wise.

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Ready for the next leg of this adventure?

Looks like Char is about to have her wish come true. Little does she know what's in store for her...

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