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Chapter 226 Donated All

Shameless and fearless!

Because Gan Haixiu did not have their own blood, Xiong Da and Xiong Er were briefly panicked and then began to be complacent again!

Lin Shanshan was upset, but still shameless. If she were Gan Haixiu, she would definitely donate all her property instead of giving it to these two ungrateful people.

Xiong Er's voice was not loud, but it was definitely loud. Maybe he said it on purpose for the two elders to hear.

Xiong Jianguo was so angry that he stared blankly, couldn't catch his breath, and coughed loudly.

Gan Haixiu hurriedly calmed him down and said softly, "Old Xiong, don't be angry. We will donate the money to the hospital and to those who are sick and can't afford money after a hundred years."

Xiong Jianguo stopped coughing and asked, "Xiu'er, have you thought about it?"

Xiong Jianguo's salary was not as high as Gan Haixiu's before, and his pension is not as high as hers now. In recent years, if it weren't for Gan Haixiu, his salary alone could not support a family of four. He would not object to Gan Haixiu's donation.

Gan Haixiu nodded and said calmly, "I don't charge for the surgery. I want to pass on the kindness of others. Although it's not much, it's also my intention."

Xiong Da and Xiong Er were really dumbfounded. They stood in the ward like wooden chickens. Without the support of the two elders, they were afraid that they would not be able to work in the future.

The two have been living off their parents, not working actively, and have not made any progress or received any salary increase. Now they have children to support at home, how can they survive with just that little salary?

Xiong Da and Xiong Er were about to beg for mercy to change Gan Haixiu's decision, but were interrupted by Xiong Jianguo, who said, "Sign it."

While they were stunned, Xiong Jianguo had already written the divorce agreement, which clearly stated that Xiong Da and Xiong Er did not need to support their parents, nor could they take their parents' money.

The two did not move, hoping that there was still room for maneuver.

After Xiong Jianguo made up his mind today, he said like a real man: "Sign quickly, or I will find the police comrades."

The two brothers wrote down their names helplessly, and left the ward with their heads down, ready to go back and return the things to their original owners.

When the dust settled, the fat aunt also prepared to go home: "Haixiu, have a good rest, I have to go back to prepare dinner for the child's father."

"His fat aunt, thank you today, I will treat you to dinner when I am discharged from the hospital." Gan Haixiu said gratefully.

The fat aunt smiled like a Amitabha: "Okay, you have to take good care of yourself, I'm waiting."

With the departure of the fat aunt, the ward returned to peace.

After watching the play, Lin Shanshan began to talk to Gan Haixiu about business: "The surgery will be arranged the day after tomorrow. You must rest well today and tomorrow and keep a calm mind."

Gan Haixiu nodded, thanked again, and even said sympathetically: "Girl, Dean Lin, don't be stressed. I know I am the first case in the country. If I fail, I will not blame anyone. It is fate and no one can be blamed. But if it succeeds, I will really make a fortune. Not only will I save my life, but I will also be famous all over the world."

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