I miss you

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The minute you arrived at The Boneyard, he couldn’t tear his gaze away from you, eyes raking over your figure. He can’t seem to remember why you two broke up in the first place; not when you look like *that*, in all your grace and glory, the very culprit of his sleepless nights. Decisively downing the remnants of whatever was in his glass, he pulls out his phone. Mere seconds later, yours buzzes from across the party.

*Hey,* the text reads. *Miss you.* Simple, concise, and gets the point across. Typical Jimin. His eyes find yours through the mass of raucous teenagers in various stages of losing their inhibitions, nodding towards his motorbike—an unmistakable invitation.

“I’m heading out,” he says off-handedly to his friends—too high or drunk to care—as he heads towards the vehicle. Reconnecting with an ex can’t hurt, right?

"What is it Jimin?"

I say with annoyance as I walk out.

“Now, is that any way to greet an ex?” He asks, a smirk on his lips as he straddles his bike, patting the space behind him. 

“Take a ride with me,” he invites, gaze skimming over your body.

“No…” I said not wanting to go somewhere with him.

His smirk doesn’t waver as he continues to look you up and down, the intensity in his eyes unwavering. “Why not, Princess?” He asks, tone light. “Afraid of being alone with me?”

“Keep your eyes to yourself asshole....”

I say and start moving inside the party not wanting to keep hold any conversations with him anymore.

He laughs, unperturbed by the slight and jumps off the bike, grabbing your arm to stop you from returning to the party. “No need for insults,” he says, still gripping you, “just take a damn ride with me. What’s the worst that can happen?”

“No... I don't want to ride with you... can't you see I'm wearing a tight dress......” I gesture at him in my dress.

He raises a brow, still holding your arm as his gaze travels down your body, drinking in the way the fabric of your dress clings to your curves and leaving very little to the imagination. 

“I see,” he hums, licking his lips, “and what, pray tell, is wrong with that?”

“Seriously??? You are looking at me like that???”

I see his eyes wandering in my body.

He grins unapologetically, letting his eyes wander your body once more, more blatantly than before. “Can’t help it,” he says, shrugging his shoulders, “you look good, Princess. How’s that my fault?”

“Ughh let me go…”

I say with full annoyance

He doesn’t budge, grip on your arm growing tighter. “Come on, Y/N,” he coaxes, “don’t be so difficult. Just take a ride with me. We’ll go somewhere quiet.”

“Oh god..... fine.... but bring me here after that.”

I tell him with demand

He grins, victorious as he motions for you to get on the bike behind him. “Sure thing,” he agrees, the smugness in his tone only adding to his air of confidence as he swings his leg over the vehicle, waiting for you to climb on behind him.

I climb up keeping both my legs on one side and I tighten my arms on his back that I'm holding in order not to fall down.

He smirks, amusement clear on his face as he looks over his shoulder at you. “You can hold on tighter than that,” he teases, relishing the way your body has to be pressed so close to his.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30 ⏰

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