Episode 150

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Glory was discreetly making an appointment on the Women's Health Center portal for a mammogram to check on that breast lump which was still there unfortunately. She was at the breakfast table with her husband and son so she had to be careful. She had not told either what she found especially Andrew who could be very sensitive about his family's health. She looked at her husband who was unwrapping the plastic from the newspaper and her son who was tapping at his phone eagerly. She didn't know how they would handle her being sick but somehow she didn't think it would be well. Hopefully the lump would be nothing. She suddenly saw her mother's face staring back at her from her hospice bed. Dying in her thirties ; Audra Brandon had been only thirty five. She had been only fifteen herself and left with a grieving missionary father and younger siblings to console and care for.

Andrew cussed suddenly as he read the front page of the Washington Reign.

She said," What language is that, Drew ? What has happened now in the country? "

Alfred lifted his eyes from his phone to look at his stepfather curiously. " Carnage and mayhem most likely. "

Andrew said in disbelief," That ex fiance of yours, Alfred, has written a story about Faith being arrested in Montgomery County a couple days ago. They claim she attacked or tried to attack a patrolman. Ridiculous. Faith would never do that. And it says it's been bound over for trial. Even more ridiculous ! It should be a plea if anything or just dismissed."

Glory shook her pinned up haired head. " That's nonsense. Faith has a temper but she wouldn't do any of that. There has to be a mistake. " She glanced at Alfred. " That man has been talking to you still. Has he mentioned any of this? "

Alfred shrugged his thin shoulders. " I don't talk to Scott. He talks to me. And no he hasn't. "

Andrew continued to read and his temper increased with each word he saw. " They say Richard is the attorney of record for Faith. " He looked up from the paper. " If that's true why hasn't he said anything? "

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