Chapter 3: Harrowing Half-Truths

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A migraine washes over me as Sumur's emotional overwhelm hits me. I center on the love we both share for our brothers, balancing myself, as I hear her brother speak.

'How do you know my name?'

'Your sister,' I mutter out, and we both push ourselves up off the floor together. I hold out her necklace to show it to him. I close my eyes, focusing as I hear him whisper her name. The feeling of the air on my skin ignites, and in an instant, I find myself alone inside of the gem.

The air whips around me as Idana's brown hair shifts to my silvery white. I close my eyes as it stings the skin of my face, waiting until it calms down. When I look up again, it's only in a split instant before I'm wrapped up in my brother's arms. I bury my head in his neck, clinging to him tightly as I cry.

'I was so worried I'd lost you forever,' he chokes out into my shoulder. I take the time to enjoy just being enwrapped in the arms of my family, but I don't fail to listen closely to the whispers of the other two.

'August never mentioned she was a summoner,' Sylas says harshly, but so quietly I would miss it if it weren't for the pattern of the wind off his breath.

'Maybe he didn't know?' The redhead suggests.

'Or maybe he didn't care to divulge. It wouldn't be the first secret he's kept.'

My brother finally pulls back from the hug, cupping my cheeks as he analyzes how I look. I can see the slight concern in his eyes and it warms my heart. I smile, but the sound of approaching footsteps has me turning my attention elsewhere.

'We will talk soon, brother. You all have a lot to talk about with my new friend.'

'Of course. I can wait forever now that I know you're safe, Sumur,' he assures, and with one final brush of my cheek, he steps back.

Focusing on the energy of Idana's meditative state, I bow my head, relinquishing control to her once more.

I open my eyes in a daze, barely processing the voices around me until August is practically nose to nose with me, feeling of my forehead. Without hesitation, I step back, and smack him hard across the face. Ignoring the stunned silence from everyone around me, I speak.

'Don't touch me, August. With how much you've hidden from me, you're lucky I'm even dignifying you with my presence right now. Seriously? Hidden cities? Dragons? Did you know I could call them out like that?'

He stares up at me, confusion fluttering across his view as he tries to formulate a reply, but is interrupted by a wolf whistle from the red dragon.

'Damn, girl. If you're not careful he might be into that.'

'Shut the hell up, Krytin,' August snaps at him, and for a second, I see his mask fade away as the rage burns in his eyes. But the instant he turns to me, it goes right back up.

'Get. Out.'


'I want to know about this, without you censoring them. Get out. If you're absolutely adamant you have to do something involving me, go figure out where I'm going to sleep and bring my bag there. Go.' I stand tall and unmoving as he assesses me, trying to figure me out, before walking out the door. While he doesn't stay for a reply, he does manage to get the last word in.

'I'll talk to you after them, then. Because not all of them are trustworthy like you might think.' That glare to Sylas said all it needs to, but the golden-eyed dragon slams the door behind him, refusing to acknowledge it with any words.

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