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The train they took this time was a green train with only upper and lower berths. The trip lasted four or five days. They all bought berths together, so the berth numbers on the train tickets were connected, but it was not known whether they were in the same carriage.

After getting on the train and finding the berths, Lin Lin saw several acquaintances in the same carriage. She put down her backpack and felt much more at ease on the train this time. It was good to keep warm together.

Qin Zeyang was still the same. He couldn't stretch his body straight, and he felt better only when he lay down.

Lin Lin was on Qin Zeyang's upper berth. Across from her was Ning Xia, across from Qin Zeyang was Bai Yue, and Song Chao was on another bed.

Soon, Song Chao, the waiter, also came. He was a tall, dark-skinned man.

Song Chao was a community leader. He soon became familiar with this brother and knew that this brother was also going to Beijing to attend university. He was also the only one in their village who was admitted to university. The other one who was admitted to university with him was in another carriage.

Although they were not in the same carriage, they were right next to each other, separated by a wooden board.

"Heitan, don't be polite. Come and try my chili sauce. It's delicious when mixed with steamed bread." Song Chao shouted to the man whose real name was Yang Jiaguo and whose current name was "Heitan".

"Song Chao, can you be more polite?" Ning Xia was speechless.

"Why am I rude? I just asked him and he agreed with me." Song Chao was right but still angry.

"I'm fine, don't quarrel." Yang Jiaguo was a good man. He was very anxious when he saw the two quarreling because of him.

"We didn't quarrel, we just had a quarrel. Come, have some chili sauce. You don't mind eating only steamed buns." Song Chao took out the chili sauce and was about to spread it on Yang Jiaguo's steamed bun.

"Thank you, thank you." Yang Jiaguo had never met such a person, who was good-looking and generous.

"Why be polite to me? We are good friends." Song Chao said carelessly.

Yang Jiaguo also laughed, and there were two dimples on the corners of his mouth. Song Chao saw it and couldn't help but poke his dimples.

I didn't expect that this guy looked dark and thin, but his face was soft...

Lin Lin looked at the two guys with a weird look. Why did they look so calf-like? She even had the urge to ship them together. Forget it, calm down.

Suddenly she was patted and came back to her senses.

"What do you want to eat?" It was time for Qin Zeyang to buy lunch.

"No fat meat, anything else is fine." Lin Lin didn't understand until this generation that people here really like fat meat. They usually don't eat meat, so they are very greedy for fat meat.

Qin Zeyang used to be fond of fatty meat, but since they got married, Lin Lin never skimped on the oil when cooking, so now he doesn't like fatty meat anymore, and prefers lean meat.

Others also took out their lunch sooner or later, and the carriage gradually filled with the aroma of various foods.

After a while, Qin Zeyang brought back two bowls of rice, which contained shredded potatoes and fried lean meat. The rice in the box was pressed firmly without any water.

Lin Lin took out most of the rice in advance and put it in the box she took, preparing to continue eating for the next meal. All food nowadays is precious and cannot be wasted. Lin Lin's action now seems reasonable. If she threw away the food before finishing it, it would attract attention. Qin Zeyang finished his lunch box, so he didn't use a spoon to scoop it out.

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