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Chapter 6 Boiled Peanuts

◎A wonderful life starts from this moment◎

After returning home, Zhao Zhengnan plucked all the peanuts from the seedlings and put them in the pot. He was about to grab one to eat raw when Zhao Taohua reached out to stop him.

"Second brother, why don't we cook so many peanuts?"

The only way to get points on the turntable is to make a dish that is both delicious and beautiful.

If boiled peanuts are cooked well, she believes she can get 1 point.

Zhao Zhengnan swallowed unconsciously when he looked at the peanuts in the basin, but when he raised his head and faced Zhao Taohua's expectant eyes, he couldn't refuse this request.

"I don't know how to cook, let mom cook for us later."

"No, no! I can cook! Let's not bother mom." If she let others intervene, she would not be able to get points.

"..." Zhao Zhengnan didn't expect her to be so excited. He pushed the peanuts under her eyes in doubt, "Do it if you want, just don't cook it inedible."

With his words, Zhao Taohua happily picked up the remaining peanuts and put them down next to the water tank in the kitchen.

The most tedious step in boiling peanuts is washing and picking.

If there are bad fruits among them, they must be picked out, otherwise the overall taste will be greatly affected.

The peanuts just picked from the ground still have the fragrance of soil on the kernels.

Zhao Taohua used a gourd ladle to scoop a ladle of water and slowly poured it into the aluminum basin, then rolled up the sleeves of her shirt, bent down and began to wash.

Her arms as smooth as cream and her delicate and flawless hands showed that she was a girl who had never worked hard.

Compared with her original delicate upbringing, she had suffered a lot in her previous life. As an orphan, she knew that she would have no food to eat if she didn't work hard.

So since she was sensible, her only thought was to study hard and earn money for school, so that she could become a superior person in the future.

But what she didn't expect was that in the second year of her becoming a food show host, she traveled here because of drinking...

Her green onion-like fingers shuttled between the plump peanuts, and soon she washed them all.

The soul of boiled peanuts lies in the water and ingredients.

The common water in their village is deep well water. Pure natural well water contains rich minerals and trace elements. It is the best choice to cook things with it.

As for the seasonings needed...

She moved her eyes to the cupboard beside her and thought about it.

A small lock locked the cabinet door. Zhao Taohua knew that there were good things in it, including soybean oil, sesame oil, and star anise, but she was reluctant to use them normally.

The noise of her washing attracted Zhou Minglan. Seeing that she was staring at the cupboard in a daze, Zhou Minglan immediately understood her thoughts and spoke to dispel her delusion.

"Just boil the peanuts in water, don't think of anything else." It's good enough to be boiled, and adding seasoning is simply a waste.

Now there is only one step left, "boiling", how could Zhao Taohua give up easily? A cunning flashed in her eyes, and she took Zhou Minglan's hand and started to act coquettishly.

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