Private lesson

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Description: After Ivy see's her girlfriend kissing another girl at a party, Ivy just wants to be left alone, Ivy opens a gateway to Mako an island she had visited years ago with her parents, unfortunately for Ivy it's a full moon and the island's mysteries come to life, seeing a glowing light coming from inside a cave, Ivy goes to investigate, the next morning she wakes up on the beach with no memory from the previous night.

Shortly after returning to Alfea, Ivy soon learns that she isn't just a fairy anymore, she has also been turned into a Mermaid, who can she turn too for help? Who can she trust? what secrets is Miss Dowling hiding? And can A Mermaid name Rita help Ivy to control her newfound mermaid magic? How will her new mermaid magic effect her fairy magic?

Ivy's PoV:

I was concentrating so hard on the task Miss Dowling had given me, I was trying to separate a single drop of water from the bowl of water in-front of me, Miss Dowling stood just to the side of me and a little be hind me, I was finding it extremely difficult to focus on my task with Miss Dowling so close to me.

I have developed a little crush on Miss Dowling in recent weeks, ever since she had started giving me private lessons, to help me try and master the water element, it's embarrassing really, I'm in my fourth year of school and I still hadn't master the water element of my powers.

I had mastered all the other element's, I'm a fire fairy, so fire came easy to me since it was the element I was born with, by the end of my second year, I had mastered both earth and air, by the end of my third year I had mastered, light and Mind, now I was half way through my fourth year and I hadn't even gotten the basics of water magic and it was very frustrating.

"What do you want the water to do?" Miss Dowling asks me in a very smoothing tone of voice, as she takes a small step closer to me, her arm brushing up against my arm, ever so slightly, I inhale through my nose, trying my best to concentrate on the water in-front of me, doing my best to ignore the fact that Miss Dowling's arm was touching my arm.

"Remember your intent, you control the water, it does not control you," Miss Dowling tells me, somehow, I manage to separate a ball of water from the bowl of water, leaving the bowl half full, "beautifully done, it is a little bigger then we were aiming for, lower the ball gently back into the bowl and try again, remember you only want to separate a single drop of water," Miss Dowling reminded me, I managed to lower the ball of water back into the bowl, I give my hands a little shake trying to loosen them up a little, before trying again.

"Push past your doubts. stop thinking, focus on positive feelings," Miss Dowling tells me, I close my eyes and think about my girlfriend Kim and how happy I feel when I'm with her, I try to see an image of her in my mind's eye, I see her smiling at me, then suddenly the image changed and Miss Dowling pops into my mind, I open my eyes so fast, that I lose control of what I was doing and the bowl of water exploded soaking both me and Miss Dowling.

"Miss Dowling am so so sorry," I said horrified at myself for allowing my mind to wander like that, this bloody crush I had developed on Miss Dowling was nothing but trouble and was preventing me from connecting with the water element, using my air magic, I dry us both.

"You were distracted, and you know full well distraction can cause magic to be erratic," Miss Dowling tells me as she steps in-front of me, looking directly into my eyes, I look back into her chocolate brown eyes, wanting to get lost in them, I lower my gaze, god this was so wrong, I felt so guilty because of Kim, that's why this was wrong, if it wasn't for Kim, then I wouldn't feel half as guilty because Miss Dowling wasn't that much older than me, we could be together, once I leave school.

that was also wishful thinking on my part because someone like Miss Dowling, would never be interested in me, plus there are rumours that her and Mr Silver are dating, this crush I had towards Miss Dowling is very wrong, inappropriate and nothing but a distraction, it has to stop.

"Let's face it, I am never going to get it, I'm never going to connect with water magic, I'm wasting both of our times," I said stepping away from Miss Dowling and trying to put some distance between us.

"You are just going to give up, because it's too hard?" Miss Dowling asks me crossing her arms over her chest, while straightening her back, letting me know that not only was she very annoyed with me for giving up, but she wasn't going to just let me give up.

"We are halfway through the school year, if I hadn't gotten it by now, then I'm never going to get it, and you yourself said at the beginning of the first year that not every fairy will be able to connect with other elements, I should just be grateful that it's only water I can't connect with," I said picking up my bag from the floor next to the sofa where I had left it.

"I highly doubt that is true, you have made a connection to the water element, if you hadn't you were had never be able to make a ball, or the fish shape you made last week, there is a reason as to why you are unable to control the water yet, you are clearly distracted, whatever the reason for your distraction, deal with it before coming to our next lesson," Miss Dowling says using her best headmistress tone of voice.

"Am sorry Miss Dowling, but there won't be any more lessons," I walk towards her office door, wanting to just leave.

"I'm not giving up and neither should you, so I expect to see you next week for our weekly lesson," Miss Dowling tells me, damn her, of course she had to have the last word, I think to myself as I leave her office.

walking through the main hall, I message my best friend Lola, letting her know that my lesson with Miss Dowling was finished and that I would be there in ten minutes after dropping my bag in my room, being a fourth-year student meant I get my own room, in some ways I wished that I still shared a room with Lola and in other ways I'm glad to have space to myself.

When I walk into my room, I threw my bag onto my bed, before touching up my makeup and changing out of my clothes and into a dress, I put on some heels and leave my room again, making my way to the party, I once again message Lola telling her I was on my way and that I needed a drink, Lola and I had been best friends since we were 3 years old, we were more like sisters, I tell Lola everything and she tells me everything, she is the only person who knows about my little crush on Miss Dowling.

Lola hasn't judge me for having a crush on Miss Dowling, she does however think that Miss Dowling would be good for me and a much better girlfriend then Kim, Lola and Kim have never gotten along, even before Kim and I started dating at the beginning of the year, according to Lola anyone would make a better girlfriend then Kim.

I walk into the party; the music was loud, and everyone seems to be having a great time, I decided to get myself a drink before going to look for Lola or Kim, who ever I find first, I'm not a fan of beer so I go straight for the punch and sure enough someone has spiked it, I drunk half of it in one mouthful, not giving a fuck.

To Be Continued:

I had just been watching Mako Mermaids for the first time, and the character Rita Santos, reminded me of Farah Dowling a little bit, for those of you who had not watched Mako Mermaids, Rita is also a headmistress and teacher.

R&R xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01 ⏰

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