5. The knight and the shadows<iii>🧚🏾

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Alex let's out a shriek as he's been strangled. The creatures wraps their tail around and lifts him up. They slowly Suffocate him. He tries to struggle but their grip is too strong. And the more he struggles the more tight their grip gets.

Alex let's out a weak groan. His eyes are watery. Suddenly a pink fire blazes through the creatures tail. The tail vanishes and the creature let's out a loud cry.

Alex lands on the floor.

With clenched teeth and glowing pink fire eyes,Ned jumps at them; hot pink fireballs in his palms. He shoots them at the creature and they stumble backwards and let's out a loud cry.

Ned let's out a low growl and continues hurling balls of fire at them.

Once their busy trying to soot their burning face,Ned runs to Alex and puts him up.

“ Are you Okay?,” Ned asked in concern.

He shoots at them one more time before he picks Alex up. They start moving. But not fast. Alex has an injured leg. He's dizzy and he's limping. Blood rolling from the side of his head.

The creatures sights them and roars. It goes after them. The creature jumps Infront of them and roars again. Ned shoots fire at it. But now, it's like the creature has made it's skin fire resistant.

Shocked that his fire isn't doing anything,he keeps on firing at them to hold them off a bit.

The creature snarls and and regrows it's black scaley tail. Ned pushes Alex out the way as the creatures tail raises up it's very sharp tail.

The creature sends it sharp tail into Meds shoulder. Ned screams. With it's tail still in his shoulders,it raises Ned up and flings him aside.

The creature faces Alex. He starts prowling again. Alex starts hyperventilating. The creature wraps his tail around Alex and raises him again.

The creature open it's very wide mouth and reveals his sharp teeth pointy and numerous teeth.

Alex starts struggling and struggling. His hyperventilation increases. Suddenly,the green grass seem to start changing grey and start to glow,the wind picks up,the leaves start rustling violently,the forest start's lighting up.

Alex's eyes starts glowing yellow and his chest area seems to be twinkling yellow light. The creature get's confused and then the twinkling light explodes. The creature shrieks. The light covers the whole forest. Light fills the entire forest.

Soon,the light slowly starts dying down. Alex opens his eyes and stands up from the now glittery floor. He looks around and everywhere's shinning. He sees the knight in the distance. He sees his thigh and it was now healed along with Ned.

Alex sighs.


A/N: Hello,hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Please vote, comment and also share. I've finally finished the Knight and the shadows part...

Also I've changed Leon's name to Alex. I hope it was a good idea. If it isn't, please let me know and I'll change it...

Thanks for reading 🧚🏾
God bless you ✨ ❤️

And thank you WolfHusky88 for the comments.
Thank you TGHP123 and Chidikins for the votes.

Also this is The knight:

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