Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

When Lu Qi returned to the classroom before the morning reading session, he was surprised to find Lu Yao sitting in the empty seat in front of him. His expression instantly brightened, and throughout the entire morning reading class, he had a joyful air about him.

Ye Muqing had already learned from the school forum that there was another new student today, but he didn't expect it to be in his own class. He wanted to gossip with Lu Qi, but when he saw Lu Qi's current silly grin and thought about how grim Lu Qi looked on the rooftop earlier, he quietly turned his head away.

Forget it, Lu Qi's mental state seemed unstable; he should find someone else to gossip with.

The morning classes quickly came to an end.

During the lunch break, the class monitor appeared in front of Lu Yao with a club application form.

At Huiying High School, club activities were a crucial part of school life. The school required every student to join at least one club.

After school at four in the afternoon, students would stay behind to participate in their respective club activities, where they could meet different people and expand their social networks.

When the class monitor asked Lu Yao which club he wanted to join, Lu Qi, who had been pretending to sleep with his head down, subtly perked up his ears.

Lu Yao glanced at the clubs listed on the application form and looked up at the class monitor, "Is there a club that's relatively relaxed?"

The class monitor frowned and thought for a moment, "There is, but it might be a bit hard to get into."

Saying it's hard to get in is putting it mildly; that club seems to have no intention of recruiting anyone.

Lu Yao: "Which club?"

Lu Yao wasn't particularly interested in club activities. If he had to choose, he would have preferred to join the Homecoming Club and go home directly after school.

Class Monitor: "The Flower and Plant Club created by Jiang Bai. To join, you need to pass Jiang Bai's approval. But I think you shouldn't have high hopes."

The Flower and Plant Club was a new club Jiang Bai had created at the beginning of this semester. Huiying High School was full of hidden talents, and to encourage students' enthusiasm for learning, the school had a special reward for students who maintained the top position in their grade throughout the entire school year: they could make a wish related to the school.

Jiang Bai had held the top spot throughout his freshman year and requested to create the Flower and Plant Club. The school easily agreed and even set up a glass greenhouse for him.

After the news spread that Jiang Bai had left the Art Club to start the Flower and Plant Club, many people applied to join, but all were rejected by Jiang Bai.

Currently, the Flower and Plant Club had only Jiang Bai as its president.

Sitting in front of Lu Yao, Xia Yue had been secretly listening to their conversation. Hearing that Lu Yao wanted to join a relaxed club, Xia Yue turned around with a sweet smile.

"Lu Yao, why don't you consider joining the Basketball Club as my assistant? I'm Xia Yue, the manager of the Basketball Club. It's quite relaxed if you're just an assistant. Besides, Lu Qi, who is sitting behind you, is the president of the Basketball Club."

Hearing Xia Yue mention the Basketball Club, Lu Qi, who had been hiding his head on the desk, couldn't help but grin.

Good job! Keep going! Say a few more words and make sure to get this little punk Lu Yao into the club!

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