Make me yours

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*Talia, the Hale pack alpha turned you out a few weeks ago. She had introduced you to the pack, encouraging you to find someone to stick with but you didn't feel connected with anyone except her brother Peter, but then again, he was twice your age, being 47 and all, but does that really matter?

You had a long day, listening to Talia go on and on about her son and his mate, needing a break, you went to the only place you knew.. Peter's.
You approached his penthouse door, knocking a few times as you were greeted by Peter with a smile* "hey pup, you okay?"

"Hi Petter... Sorry if I'm bothering you. I just need a break right now. Your place was one of the only places I could think of....." You say unsure of your decision to coke here.

*Peter smiled again and gently tugged your shoulder to get you to come in as he closed the door behind you* "no you're not bothering me, pup, I don't mind at all. Come relax a bit, I won't bite you. "
*he teased, gently leading you to his couch to sit down beside him*

"Thank you..." You say softly

*Peter wrapped an arm around you, keeping you against his broad chest as his cologne and sweat filled your nose. His arm had a bit of strength in it, but it also just made you feel so small in his grip*
"it's no problem, pup. What's on your mind?"

'I love the scent,'you think to yourself.

You shook your head.
"It's nothing, I just. It's all a little overwhelming, I guess. Don't get me
wrong, I'm so glad Talia turned me. But I guess I'm just finding out I could have a mate and that.

I don't know.
I was just.

Talia was telling me about her sons mate and I.

I just started thinking that if I hadn't been turned into a werewolf, would I have ever met them?

Probably not. I probably would have died before meeting them." You say sighing. You don't even know why you told Peter. It all just kinda came out. You felt like you could trust him with everything. "

Peter chuckled once you were done rambling, but it held a comforting tone to it as his chuckle vibrated through his chest, bringing a small sense of comfort*
"You don't have anything to worry about with a mate, pup. You'll know when you meet them, they'll have your wolf howling, "he reassured, his fingers gently tracing over your shoulder in a calming manner*

"What do you mean? It is already so loud. Are you saying my wolf will be louder than it is now?" You question
"I think I'm gonna die." You say dramatically.*

Peter laughed heartily and gently shook his head* "no, it won't be louder, don't worry, pup,"he said, his chest slightly rumbling in a teasing manner.
"Your wolf will feel different. It'll help and want to be with your partner and protect them from anything or anyone. You'll know when you've met your mate. "

"What so like how it is about you?" You mumble the question to yourself, not intending to say it outloud.

*Peter's ears were sensitive, hearing you quite easily as he looked down at you*
"Hm? Did you say something pup?"
*he asked, tilting his head ever so slightly as he gently tugged you closer to him, the scent of his cologne overwhelming*

"Huh? What? No? Why did you hear something? i didn't hear a thing. i think you might have a little ghost problem. I'll leave you to deal with that." You reply, running out of his house. You completely forget he was a werewolf and could have heard you.

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