I could sit here and try to tell you my high school story and tell you that cliché story about the least popular girl in the school being noticed by one of the cool dudes on the school and how they fell in love and then some sort of bad thing happens in the story and some way they find each other and live happily ever after... But the highlight of my teenage school life doesn't quiet go there.
1. I can only tell you my side of the story ( I do not know his)
2. This happened couple of years ago so I would in some cases assume that that happened and maybe make up stuff to fill in the gaps and make it little more interesting
3. We actually never went out
4. I can't define what love is
5. I still don't know what love is
6. I kinda, sorta hate his guts and I can't give you a reasonable answer on to why
7. This is a true story
8. I still find him attractive, but so annoying ( how is that even possible)
9. If I can snap necks, he'd be one of the first people on my hit list.
10. I forgot to mention that his brother is totally hot. No I'm not a slut, I'm just saying.