The past of Calne Ca

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Leenei:Calne Ca. What happened?
Calne Ca:World... Techno... Dead...
Miku:We know
Calne Ca:You... Find.... Vocaloid...
Leenei:I should find them?
Rin:Yeah. and it was scattered here
Len:She was right
Calne Ca:Battery.... Low....
Leenei:Guys lets put her in my house

We put Calne Ca to my home to charge up

Leenei:What happened to your past?
Calne Ca:I know you
Leenei:Wait. You know me?
Calne Ca:Yes. I was created by Miku but i am infected some virus and turned into a bot of a spider. But it goes back if my battle is finished
Leenei:Ok. I understand but where did you know me?
Calne Ca:I was in the well and I make a wish then. I see you appear in the well talking to you
Miku:Wait. Leenei your asleep right
Leenei:Calne Ca said that we have met in the well but your right Miku
Len:So whats the plan
Leenei:I will plan it up. Calne Ca should take a rest
Calne Ca:Thanks for letting me rest

(Next Part-The plan)

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