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"Grandma, it's snowing again, so beautiful!"

Hu Xiu put a low stool under the window, Miaomiao likes to stand on it, tiptoe, and observe the outside world through the clear window. At this moment, the first snowflakes fell.

The young child does not know how to use beautiful words to describe the beautiful scenery in front of him. After sighing, he instinctively wipes the glass with his chubby hands again and again to block the fog in his sight.

Guoguo is a boy after all, and he probably doesn't have any romantic genes in his bones.

After listening to his sister's words, he immediately put down the toys in his hands and climbed onto the stool.

After seeing the scenery outside the window clearly, the little guy frowned immediately, and his tone was also annoyed: "Grandma, why does the snow come to our house every day?"

He wanted to go out to play, but grandma would not let him as long as it snowed.

Hu Xiu was filling the bowl with rice porridge.

Since she had two little ones, she has been more meticulous about food than before.

Today was no exception. In addition to white rice porridge, she also had scallion egg pancakes, and the side dish was the leftover soybean paste stewed tofu from lunch.

After listening to the polarized childish talk of the dragon and phoenix twins, Hu Xiu felt funny in her heart, but she did not continue the conversation on this topic. She was really afraid of the endless whys of the little guys.

She changed the topic very skillfully: "Little greedy cats, stop looking, it's time to eat."

Usually, when they heard about eating, the two children with good appetites would definitely run over and sit down obediently.

But today was an exception. Even after Hu Xiu had put all the food on the table, the children did not come over.

Just as she was about to make a few jokes about what the little guys saw and how they were no longer hungry, she heard a faint noise in her ears.

What happened in the village?

Just as she was wondering, she heard Miaomiao shouting again: "Grandma, someone is coming to our house."

Hu Xiu came back to her senses, covered the food with a dust cover, and quickly approached the window.

Then, in the white sky, she saw a familiar figure.

It was Tingting!

Even though the other party was wrapped up tightly, Hu Xiu still recognized at a glance that the girl walking in the middle was her daughter-in-law!

Her thin face suddenly smiled, and she hurriedly said, "Silly child, your mother is back." Then she quickly went to the door, unbolted the door and rushed out.

In this room, with big strides, rushing home, she also saw her mother-in-law coming out to greet her.

While she waved her hand to signal the other party to enter the house, her footsteps also became faster.

Hu Xiu didn't understand why, but she was really happy in her heart, so she took a big step forward to greet her.

When the two rooms met, she was about to speak when her daughter-in-law took her hand.

This was a closer relationship than ever before. Hu Xiu's nose was sore, thinking that her child had been wronged outside.

But before she could ask about the details, she heard her daughter-in-law's concern: "Mom, you are not in good health, why don't you wear a thick coat when you go out?"

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