Will I Find What Im Looking For

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💔What Is Love Somebody Show Me Please I Beg Of You💔
💖May I Do The Honor Of Showing You Love💖
💔Yes You May Kind Boy💔
💖Lets Go Up To The High Heavens And Touch Those Fluffy Clouds And Fly Off Into The Sunset💖
Oh Quinto I Love You So-

✋✋👏Hold Up Hold Up Wait A Minute That Is Not What I Want To Happen That Is Way Too Cheesy And Quinto would never say Anything Cheesy And Romantic Like That Yah See I Have A Crush On A Shy Boy In My Class Everytime He Stutters i fall inlove with him more and i fight the urge to jump on him And Squeeze Him to Death💪😍💪But I know How To Keep My Calm I've been keeping my feelings to my self for the past few years well since Kindergarten Yeah i Know Embarrassing Right So Yeah Here We Go My Story Of My Highschool Crush And Life👊✊✌️👊✊✌️👏👐

Quinto x Amber LeighWhere stories live. Discover now