Imagine Loki asking you to dance with him

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It was just a simple ball. A simple, Asgardian ball. There wasn't really anything special going on in the kingdom, Odin apparently just wanted to have a ball. He must have been drunk or something.
You don't even know why you were there, you were just a handmaiden. Nothing special about you. You had no reason to be at the ball, you just chose to. Mostly because you hadn't been to a ball in about two years.
You wore a simple (F/c) dress, nothing to flashy or frilly. It was just right for you. It's not like you were trying to impress anyone.

Ok, maybe one person.

Who happened to be a prince.

Named Loki.

Yup, that's right. You were trying to impress the youngest prince of Asgard. Since you worked at the palace, you would often see Loki walking through the hallways and every time he passed you, you would find yourself staring at him. Well, he was the most handsome man you had ever seen.
But you knew he would never pick someone like you, so you just watched from afar. Just like you were doing right now.
You watched Loki through the large crowd of people, he was currently all by himself, while Thor was surrounded by girls. Shocker.
You decided to actually go talk to Loki. What's the worst that could happen? Well, a lot of bad things could happen, actually. Like he could insult you, or completely embarrass you. But nows not the time to be thinking about stuff like that!
You casually walked over towards him, trying not to look nervous or awkward. When you get close enough to him, you lightly tap his shoulder, causing him to look in your direction. His gaze made you want to melt, like chocolate." Hello there, lovely maiden." He said, with a small smirk on his face.
Your cheeks instantly heat up and you did a quick curtsy," Hello, my prince. May I ask why you are all alone this evening?"
He said nothing for a moment and you instantly regretted asking him the question." Well, it's mostly because I'm waiting for the right person to come and talk to me. And I believe that it might be you." He smirk grew wider.
Your blush grew as well," Me? Why me? I'm not special." You asked, playing with the fabric of your dress, to avoid eye contact.
"Oh but you are, Miss (Y/n). You are very special to me."
You quickly look up at him," How do you know my name? I never told you." You said, with confusion and shock laced in you voice. Why would he know your name? You're just a handmaiden, and nothing more.
"I asked some of the other Handmaidens in the palace." He said, chuckling slightly.
You both heard the sound of music, playing in the room. Other couples were already dancing. You noticed that Loki was now holding his hand out towards you." May I have this dance?" He asked. You smiled and nodded, gently grabbing onto his hand.
He pulls you close to him, your bodies were almost touching. Loki starts to waltz with you, the large smile never leaving his face. You can't help but smile back at him.
The song soon comes to an end, Loki then pulls you over to an empty part of the large room," (Y/n), can I tell you something?" He sounded a bit nervous.
"Yes, you can tell me anything, my prince." To be honest, you were quite nervous yourself. What was he going to ask?
"Ok, first, please call me Loki and second... (Y/n)...I'm in love with you." He paused for a moment, but not long enough to let you say anything," I have loved you ever since I saw you in the hallways of the palace. No matter what you were doing, whether it be carrying books or dishes or something else, you have always looks so very beautiful. And every time I hear your beautiful voice, it makes me want to pull you into a kiss. I always have to try my hardest not to stare at you when I pass you in the halls. I am madly in love with you, (Y/n)! Do you feel the same?" His emerald eyes pleaded for an answer.
"Yes! Of course I feel the same! I love you so much!" You squeal and jump into his arms.
Loki gently grasps you chin and tilts your head upwards, and instantly smashes his lips against yours, in which you kiss back with the same amount of passion. He slowly pulls away, your lips barely touching his," (Y/n), you have just made me the happiest man in all of the nine realms. I love you." You giggled and peck his lips again,"I love you too, Loki."

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