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Lacey's POV

"Isn't this fun??" My cousin shouted, over the blaring music that was coming from the huge black speakers.

"Yeah...whatever" I rolled my eyes, reverting my attention back to my phone.

"Come on!" she urged, trying to get me to drink.

"No." I sternly said.

"Where's the let loose crazy Lacey King? Shes funner than buzzkill grandma Lacey." Mac whined. Her name is McKenzie but we call her Mac and Cheese, Mac for short.

"The 'let loose crazy Lacey King' is the reason I have to go to your school in the first place." I reminded. She groaned in response.

"One night." She pleaded, making me roll my eyes once more. When she saw I didn't respond she yelled loudly and walked away into the crowd of sweaty hormonal teenagers. My phone vibrated and I looked down to see a message from Sarah, my friend back in L.A.
Sarah: Is it fun? I heard Florida has some hotties with hella bodies.
I was about to reply when someone snatched my phone out of my hand. I looked up and saw, none other than, my cousins idiotic boyfriend, Tom.
"Give me my phone" I demanded. He shook his head in response tsking.

"Lacey. You're at a party. Which means you need to get your ass up and socialize because you'll be going to the same school with them tomorrow." He reminded me. I rolled my eyes in reply and stood up making him proudly smile.

"I'm throwing my drink away and when I get back, you better hand me my phone!" I snapped. He rolled his eyes, turning me around and pushing me to what I assume was a trash can but, I wouldn't know because my body collided with someone else, pushing us both down. I sent Tom a death glare before getting up on my feet and brushing myself off.
I noticed it was oddly quiet. My green eyes scanned the room and saw almost everyone with their mouth gaping open. The music was off, the girls were whispering to another and the guys gave me looks I can't depict. All eyes were on me and the person. I looked down and saw a busty dirty blonde in a skimpy dress on the ground. I held my hand out, only to have her scoff and get up using the many boys who rushed to her aid.
Once she was up she stared me in the eyes with a cold icy stare.
"You little bit-" Her high pitched voice started but I stopped her before she could say more.

"I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to. uh...my stupid cousin pushed me." I stuttered.
She just gave me a glare before flipping her hair and walking off. I think I just ran into the queen bee.

The empty circle of where we fell soon filled up with people and it went back to normal. I picked up the empty cup on the ground and brought it to the trash, which was full. I sighed internally, looking for another trash can. After about an hour of searching, I saw one near all the smokers. I was tired of walking in these dumb heels so, I sucked in my breath and went to the trash. Smelling smoke makes me vomit. I picked up my pace and quickly threw my trash away, going unnoticed, I then walked out of the smoking distance, releasing the tiring breath. Great. I don't know where I am now.

After about 20 minutes, I found where I was and managed to get someone's drink. How I did? I have no idea. I passed it to another guy who said 'what?' I just shrugged and looked over at my nail biting cousins boyfriend.
"Where have you been?" Tom sighed, taking away his hand from his mouth, he held up my phone to show it was 12:03. 3 minutes past curfew. I mumbled profanities as he showed me it. Our Aunt is strict about curfew and given the many rules I've broken, I don't really have her trust. And out of all the times my bladder had to hate me. This was the worst time. It was like all my liquids turned to pee and I needed to go.

"Wait I gotta pee" I said crossing my legs.

"Lae. Out of all the times your bladder has failed, this is the worst!" Mac said coming up from behind Tom, latching onto his arm. He smiled down at her making me turn on my heel and dash towards the bathroom. When I gotta pee, I gotta pee. Once I reach the bathroom, I hear some girl scream 'he's so hot'. Okay...thats nice but, what am I missing?
I get in, locking the door and squatting above the toilet. This may be some fancy, high class mansion but I'm sure at least one of these people have an STD.
Once I finish washing my hands I open the door and hit a hard figure.
"Shit" he mumbles holding his head. 2 people in one party?? What's wrong with me? Once again everyone is circling around in the ginormous hallway, waiting for something to happen.

"Shit balls" I mumble as I see him on the ground. Before I could even help him up, he stands and stares at me. His stare isn't hard and cruel like the first person but it is intimidating. I stare into his honey eyes and see little golden fleks in them. Awh. His stare softened but he doesn't stop eye contact making me look anywhere but him. I awkwardly clear my throat, snapping him out of his daze.

"Sorry to uh- ruin this awkward moment but- uh...can you please beat me to a bloody pulp tomorrow? I'm past my curfew." I replied, biting on my lip. I do this when I'm nervous and twitch my eyebrow when I'm angry. I clear my throat a lot when I'm sad and scratch my arm when I'm lying. These little things make it very easy to read me.

He stepped out of the way, making me smile. I mumble a quick thank you as I run out of the house, pushing through the stiffened crowd. I run as fast as my legs will carry me, causing my loose bun to unravel letting my middle length hair flow in the wind. I snap back into reality and, once I do my face collides with a red pickup truck. Dammit.

"Oh my gosh are you okay?" My cousin asks, now realizing I'm on the ground probably with a bloody nose, while she was sucking face with Tom.

"No. but it's okay. Let's go! Aunt Gigi is going to kill us!" I said letting them take a second for what I said to sink in. Once they do, they get in the car and Tom doesn't even look behind him before backing out. I feel something drip on my lip, wiping it, I see blood.
"Faq nugget. Do you have a tissue??" I asked. Mac hands me a tissue, looking back from the passengers seat.

"Oh my gosh! First, Bethany. Then a truck? Is today your, I wanna slam into anything that could get me hurt, day?" she asks sarcastically, handing me millions of tissues.

"Don't forget Mr. Hottie" I mumble loud enough for them to hear.

"Who?" Mac shrieks. "If it's who I'm thinking of then, keep a distance." she says as we pull to a stop. "I called dibs anyways." She adds laughing.Tom scoffs in reply to her addition. In front of me is my Aunt's huge white gates that cover not even half of her huge mansion. 12:57. I'm screwed.

A/N THIS IS MY NEW BOOK AND IT'S NOT A FANFIC...WHHAAAA but no, I want to kinda step out of tat field and into a new one so my stories can have all readers and stuff. Thanks also to

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2015 ⏰

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