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"... Go to Tingting, sisters, stop quarreling, or you will be laughed at by your in-laws."

In the living room, under the dim candlelight, Li Taohong was stuffing things into a large cloth bundle neatly, and her mouth was busy, nagging at her daughter.

Tingting, with her eldest daughter beside her and her youngest daughter in her arms, lowered her eyes when she heard the words, and pulled the corners of her mouth uncomfortably: "How old am I? I have three children, how can I quarrel?"

When she was young, she had never suffered any loss, and her mind was full of love and romance, but now she is very sober and only feels grateful to her sister.

Li Taohong glanced at the girl: "No matter how old she is, she is still my flesh and blood. How can I not worry about her... You said you have grown up, but you are going to meet Tingting with a face full of reluctance? People who don't know would think you are going to collect debts."

Tingting was a little helpless: "Mom, you know that Tingting and I have had an awkward relationship in the past few years, and... she is living a good life. I am a divorced sister with a bad reputation. I don't know if my brother-in-law will mind if she brings her family to the door."

If it weren't for the second brother's analysis that the army is the safest, and if it weren't for the fact that my sister was pregnant and it was convenient for the sister to take care of her to write a letter of introduction, Tingting really didn't want to bother Tingting.

I was not a good sister before, so how can I have the face to bother my sister now?

"Your brother-in-law is not that kind of person, and your mother-in-law is also reasonable. Don't think about it every day." Li Taohong didn't know that the eldest daughter felt guilty, and hurriedly scolded her.

But after the voice fell, thinking of the suffering she had suffered these days and the bruises on her body that had finally disappeared, her nose was sour again, but she didn't dare to show it. She turned her head and pretended to be busy: "As the old saying goes, broken bones are still connected by tendons. The blood relationship between sisters is the same. It can't be broken. Another thing is that if we get help, we just need to remember your sister's kindness and the kindness of my in-laws in our hearts, and we won't be afraid of repaying it slowly."

Huaishuang's throat choked for a while before she said "um" softly.

Seeing that the lively and carefree lady had completely changed, Li Taohong felt distressed and comforted her: "Just go for a month or so, just help me to visit your sister. Tingting has been saying that pregnancy is a good sign, and the second brother is clueless. How can I really feel at ease?"

Tingting was amused by her mother: "The second brother has never been married, how can he understand pregnancy."

Speaking of this, Li Taohong Hong got even angrier: "The brat is already 25 years old. He refused to marry before, and now he's flying away. I don't know when he can get married."

"There's no rush. Look at my brother-in-law. He got married at the age of 28, but he met my younger sister. Tingting is a college student." Although she used to quarrel with her younger sister, she was still very proud of her younger sister in her heart.

Mentioning the little lady who has been reading since she was young, Li Taohong burst into laughter: "You are right, good things are worth waiting for, so it is okay for the second son to find a wife at the age of 30."

Ren Wei, who was outside the door, was so stiff that he dared not move when he heard the urging of marriage...

Ren Ming pushed the door open with a smile: "Mom, I am back."

Dressed as a runaway wife from the 1960sWhere stories live. Discover now