chapter 16: hurt

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two months later

tick tock tick tock... the clock is going so slow for some reason. Mr. Park is going on and on about history. and I sit here, bored out of my mind. yuna is in the class with me. I can feel her eyes on me. I look back at her, she smirks and waves at me. she doesn't even have to speak and I can tell she's flirting with me.

kazuha didn't come to school today do to something with her little brother, niki. so I was basically all alone today.

the bell rang and everyone packed their stuff and left the classroom. except me, and yuna. she walked up to me as I was packing my stuff. "hey yunjin" she says shyly. "hi" I say back, in a cold but normal tone. "i just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out after school with me and my friends.

at this point, I was desperate to do anything. "yes, um right after school?" I ask, looking at her. "yep" she says, then nods. "okay, um I'll meet you at front gate" I say, pulling my bag over my shoulder. she smiles and nods. "yeah, sure, see ya then yunjin" she says, then walks away with her things. i sigh and leave the class.


i got to the front gate and saw yuna standing there, waiting for me. she looks up from her phone and sees me. i stop in front of her, forcing a smile. I didn't want to do this but I'm desperate for anything else. i just hope I don't have my fantasies in front of yuna and her friends.

"hey, ready to go?" she says, putting her phone in her back pocket of her jeans. "yeah" I say, adjusting my bag, then I take out my phone, texting my mom.

YUNJIN: hey mom, I'm gonna hang out with some friends so I won't be home right away

mom ❤️: okay sweetheart, have fun!

yuna looks at me with a confused expression. "who was that?" she asks, her hands on the straps of her bag. "just my mom, I had to let her know I would be late coming home" I explain, and yuna nods. i sigh, and just stay quiet as yuna talk about drama and everything going on at school.


"here we are" yuna says, stopping in front of a house. it's light blue, white outlining the windows and the door, the whole door is white. the roof is a greyish blue color. "I'm gonna guess this is your house?" I ask, turning to yuna. she smiles and shakes her head. "no, this is Yeji's house" Yuna says, then walks to the porch. I take a deep breath and follow.

yuna knocks on the door and a girl opens it. she looks like she's in college, she has slightly darker orange hair like me. "hey yuna" she says in a friendly tone, then the girl turns to me. "who's this?" the girl asks, looking me up and down.

"oh, this is yunjin" yuna says, then smiles. I nod and hold my hand out to the girl. "huh yunjin" I say softly. "it's nice to meet you, I'm Sana" she says taking my hand and shaking it.

I smile and sana steps aside, letting me and yuna in the house. yuna leads me to the living room, where there is a bunch of people. there was Yeji, Ryujin, Lia, Hyunjin, and a few other people I don't know.

"so this is Momo, Nayeon, Jihyo, and Tyuzu" Sana introduces me to the other people in the room. "I assume you already know yuna's friends and Hyunjin?" sana asks. I nod silently and wave to the others. then yuna sits down on the couch and gestures for me to do the same. I sit on the floor in front of the couch.


the sun was setting, it casted a orange and pink glow over the neighborhood. i stepped out Yeji's house with my things, followed by yuna. "do you want me to walk you home" she asks politely. "no, it's okay, I got it" I reassure. "okay, well I'll see you next time" she says, stepping closer to me.

"yeah" I say, looking at her. yuna leans up and kisses me. I stand shocked, but then I kiss back. we standing there, lips on each other. then I realize what I'm doing and break it, stepping back. "are you okay" Yuna says, with a slight hint of worry in her voice. I quickly step off the porch. I don't answer her question, I just run.

oh ... what the fuck did I just do?

my mind is racing with possible outcomes. my mind is racing with the fantasies. I kissed Yuna, and yet I love Chaewon. I feel really guilty for this.


I arrive home to see my house empty. "mom?" I call out. no answer. they must be coming home from work late. I head up to my room, and I stuff my face into my pillow, then I scream into it. I hate myself for what I did. I hate myself for agreeing to hang out with Yuna.

suddenly, I hear the door open. then my mom and dad's voice. I go downstairs to see what is happening. "ah, Yunjin" my dad says, smiling. "look who came back" my mom says. then my worst nightmare happens. she walks through the door, smiling at me. "Hi Yun" she says, flashing her gummy smile.


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