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A ringing. A ringing pulsed in my ear. An ear splitting, piercing sound. My sight is fuzzy, like when you open your eyes under water without goggles. I look around. My fingers claw at the dirt and forrest floor. My sight becomes clear and I stare through a frame of leaves and tree branches opening up to the gray sky. I have no recollection of what had happened, no flashbacks, nothing. My toes wiggle in my oversized hiking boots and my fingers skim over leaves and debris as I bend my arm to reach my head. Everything is in slow-motion. I turn my head to the left to find Jim, my hiking partner, sprawled out on the damp Forrest ground. I open my mouth, straining to produce a sound.


My voice barely audible. Nothing. I try again,


Still nothing. I remove my fingers from my head and try to sit up. My fingers are stained red from a gash on my forehead. As I cautiously sit up, the world spins around, forcing me to pause. When the world stills, I try again. As I observe my surroundings, my breath is taken. A dark smoke blankets the air and trees, giving everything a dusty look. Sheets of metal hang in trees and scatter the area. I gasp for air as my lungs contract from the contaminated, smoky air.

"Are you alright?"

I jump, a woman's voice bringing me back to reality. I stare up to see a young woman, around her late 20's, dirtied by ash, dirt, blood and tears. I study her face, but I manage to reply.

"I, I don't know really. "

I stammer, earning a soft, sweet smile. Her lip is split, as well as a cut just above her eye and bruising toward her right ear. My eyes travel to her hair, or where hair is supposed to be. She has very little hair, if even that. A bandana is spread over her head and ties behind her ears. She offers me a hand, which I gladly take. I stand up, and grunt falling to the ground. I shift my focus to my ankle, which is purple and swollen.

"Stay here, I'll be right back."

She whispers. I watch her fade toward the smoke. I rack my brain for any memory of what happened. I remember nothing, heck I don't even know who I am. I push a hand into my jacket pocket, searching for any chance of identification. I feel a small, plastic card and pull it out. An ID, my ID.

Lauren DiCaprionze.

21, Female

Date of birth- 5/12/-----

The year I was born is scratched off. If Im 21, and the year is.....

"Here, hold onto this. Everyone is on the beach, sorting through supplies."

She hands me a long, thick stick. I gratefully pull myself up using the stick as a guide.


I question. We're not the only ones? What happened? Where am I? Who am I? So many questions flood my head, overwhelming me.

"Yea, when the plane crashed, people who sat in the back survived, at least some of them...."

She trails off, her gaze fixed on an older man's body in the grass. I gulp, plane crash? Was I on the plane?


Is all I can manage to say, my brain is drowning in a sea of questions.

"Im Eliza, but you can call me Liz."

She says sticking out her hand. For someone who was just in a plane crash she is really perky. I groan, my head is throbbing and I can barely walk.

"I can get someone to carry you, if you want Miss...."

"DiCaprionze. Lauren DiCaprionze."

I think I got that right, if not it doesn't matter now. We've got to be close to the beach by now, this stick isn't really the best crutch. My ankle pulses, but I don't think anything's broken. At least a sprain.


I take a sigh of relief, the beach. I hear voices and the rumble of the waves against the shore. Voices. People. Survivors. I drop the stick and limp to the beach. I nearly drop at the sight. Bodies litter the sand, blood stains the rocks and tidal pools and a cloud of dust and smoke emits from the tail end of a plane. Flight 1400 USA.


A/N: Hi, sooooooo I'm pretty new at this but I've been thinking of this idea for a while now.  Ill update as much as I can! Thanks so much loves <3 

DISCLAIMER: This is my original idea! I've been inspired but similar shows/movies/books but I am not intentionally trying to copy or steal anyone's ideas! 

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