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At 6.30 in the evening

"Thankyou so much!" You greet Ho Yoen's daycare and thank her as basic ethics.

"Sure. She didn't eat today again." The woman informs, quite a common one but not very often.

"Not at all?" You ask, concerned.

"Just a few bites, can be counted as not eating at all." She adds and you look at Ho Yeon.

"Why so?" You ask her.

"I was full." She adds making you a bit annoyed.

"I'll make sure she eats." You assure her and she nods and you both take a leave.


After you reach home, you quickly freshen up and prepare dinner.

"Imoya!" Ho Yoen calls you out.

"What is it?" You ask.

"Do you know, the fan date results will be out tomorrow." She excitedly tells you.

"You already told me." You inform her.

"Its so exciting." She adds and you simply nod. 

You don't really know much about TxT. You stopped following kpop after Blackpink, honestly unaware of what goes on in the industry. All because, you had office th whole day and if office wasn't enough, you now also have a kid to take care off.

It barely leaves you any time. But atleast you're glad right now because tomorrow is Sunday. So you get to sleep in late.

The mere thought of Sunday leaves you drooling like a little kid.

"Alright Yeon-ah, go brush your teeth quickly." You tell Ho Yeon as you both finish dinner and you get up to do the dishes.


Finally your chores are done and you;re ahappy dolphin, lying on your bed with zero worries. The thought of a Sunday tomorrow is quite much like an orgasm or maybe that's a little too much. 

Whatever, good night!


"Imoya imoya imoya imoya!" Ho Yeon screams excitedly climbing on your bed and bouncing on it.

"What!!!!!!" You growl at the displeasure of your Sunday morning being ruined.

"Imoya!!!" She squeals again.

"What is it Yoen-ah?" You ask, irritated.

"The results are out." She announces catching you off gaurd. It takes you a minute to process what results is she talking about. Ah right, TxT! You remember.

"You're shouting as if you won the date." You add sarcastically and decide to ignore her as you go back to sleep.

"No but you won." She adds quietly. Here you go, a precious Sunday wasted successfully. 

"What did you say?" You quickly get up and ask her.

"The age limit was 19+ so I couldn't apply. That is why, I gave in your name and you own!!!!!!!" She exclaims as if you won a lottery. Honestly, lottery would've been better.

You can't go back to sleep now, its officially runied. 

"Why'd you do that Ho Yeon? I don't even know these guys!" You squeal trying your best not to shout in anger.

"I'll introduce you." She added as if it was the last thing you needed to do.

"That's not the point Yoen-ah. You didn't have to do that." You exclaimed trying your best not to appear angry to her.

"But I'd be happy if you go." She adds with a small pout but you're really boiling out right now. She applied for this fucking fan date shit and even put up your name without your permission and then she suddenly drops the bombshell on you and now she expects you to happily go.

"And what about me huh? What about me Lim Ho Yoen?" You lost to your anger. You shouted at her with anger and frustation.

"Lim, Ho Yeon?" Her cheerful and excited face drops down to a depressed one.

That's right. Whenever you're unbearably angry at her, you end up calling her Lim Ho Yoen, her full name. You always try your best to not call her that but sometime, your anger always wins against you.

Without a word, she falls to the ground and starts crying and you know you've made a mistake. You run to her and embrace her.

"I'm sorry Yoen-ah! I'm really sorry." You constantly apologize tonher but you can't expect a 6 year old to maturely forgive you solely in return of apologies.

They always want a gift that would make them happy and in this case, its this fan-date thing. You give up again.

"Fine, I'll go on that fan date."

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