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"Imoyaaaaaaa!!!" Ho Yeon squealed in excitement as she saw you and came running to you into your arms.

"How did it go?" She asked looking at you up and down after pulling away from the hug.

"It was nice." You said choosing to avoid any details.

"How does he look in real life? Is he really that tall? Does he look handsome up close?" Her questions hit you constantly as she threw them your way.

"Yes for all." You simply answered.

"And, this is for you." You handed over the album to her and Ho Yeon was on cloud 9. She was dancing with the album, squealing in excitement.

"Calm down Yeon-ah!" You pleaded her but this little boomerang was unstoppable.

As you left her in the living room squealing in joy about the album, you went back to your room to change.

It was surely a nice date, but it wasn't actually a date. Date's are supposed to be romantic. This fan date was more of like a fan-meet but only for one person in a fancy way.

Soobin really is handsome and you'd be lying if you said you didn't thing this should actually work like a date but you know that such things are only for entertainment. Nothing more.


The next morning, you woke up, dropped a still-on-cloud-9 Ho Yeon to school and rushed to your office.

Yoo Jin seemed to be waiting for you desperately, ofcourse because he wants to know what happened yesterday and you were more than willing to tell him.


"So, how was it?" He asked as you both sat in the cafeteria with your lunch.

"It was fine." You replied, that's literally how it was.

"Just fine or fine fine?" Yoo Jin asked, wanting the details to be more specific.

"Well, it was more of like a professional meet and greet." You added and he looked at you waiting for an elaboration.

But since you didn't feel like adding anything, you continued to eat in silence.

"Literally?" Yoo Jin gave you an annoyed bitch face and you knew you will have to elaborate.

"Well, we just had random talks like good evenings and nice to meet yous and how was your day and what's your favourite song and stuff like that. Nothing too special." You completed and Yoo Jin's face really gave that not-worth-my-intrest look.

"Well, really not special." He added with a meh tone.

"Told you already." You added and both of you continued eating in silence.

"Oh, I also got a signed album which I gave to Ho Yeon and she was very happy." You told him feelings the need to add that.

"Atleast someone benefits from this date." He added sarcastically catching you off gaurd.

"What do you mean, you mean bitch!" You asked, offended now.

"Come on man! You were on a date with a fucking kpop idol and you really didn't try for anything? You're literally a bummer." He added in his usual savage tone offending you a lot more now.

"What do you mean I'm a bummer? You literally told me all of these things don't mean much to celebs right?" You added in your defence.

"Exactly, but its a fucking date. It is supposed to be atleast 10% romantic. And you fucking turned it into ab interview. You really suit the corporate world." He added, and now, he really was being veryyyy bitchy and you were outright angry.

"You know what Yoo Jin, expecting a fucking fan date to be romantic is dumb! But do you know what else is dumb? Having lunch with you!" You bombarded him with your anger and left your food uneaten.

You walked away in anger. You really didn't wanna fight with him like that. He's your only friend but you really can't have that same only friend to talk to you like that.

Fuck it!

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