The tale of Reinhard

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--- It's a 2021 short story about chubby girls, knights and goblins. I don't remember much details for synopsis so find out on your own ---

In last lights of the setting sun, I was sitting with my fellow soldiers close to a bonfire after yet another day of march. Fresh air of upcoming night and bickering fire set us in a mood for a tale. Understanding the need, one of them spoken.
"Have you heard a story of Reinhard, paladin from town called Morthen?"
They haven't, so the soldier moved on. I took more comfortable position and listened to him while watching into flames.
Reinhard was considered to be extravagant among royal paladins and people in general. He was often entering local tavern for adventurers despite the fact he was already in knight's order. What was the point of going where newbies take easy tasks and try to level up their skills to be accepted to town's guards, not even mentioning Knight's Order? Asked about it, he always said that he's just looking for an adventure or relaxing by slaying easier monsters. The truth was, however, a bit different. He was going there faithfully to find bigger girls. Reinhard seemed to like the fact that in his shiny plate armour, decent sword and solid shield he looked like a dreamed hero. In fact, Reinhard despite young age was a veteran of many battles so he knew the combat superbly. One day, he walked into the tavern as always, looked around and spoted two obese girls getting ready for a quest to slay some goblins in caves. He immediately approached them.
"Yo, girls! Getting ready for a quest, aren't you?"
First, they thought he's not speaking to them. Secondly, they blushed in fear and shyness. They had no idea what to respond. Reinhard took a closer look.
"Hm... Goblins... You will need something better that a pitchfork but your short bow seems to be fine." He said looking at second girl.
"W-well... I can't afford anything better..." the girl with a pitchfork replied quietly.
"What are your names?" Reinhard smiled cheerfully.
"I'm Mary" replied the girl with a pitchfork.
"And I'm Fievel..." shyly replied the bigger girl.
"My name is Reinhard. At your service." Reinhard bowed and laughed.
"No way... You can't be that... that legendary paladin ?!" Mary panicked. "What... what are you even doing here with such a newbies like me and Fievel...?"
"Looks like you've already heard of me huh... I'm just eee showing newbies how to fight and taking care of them!" Reinhard winked. "So, can I join your team?"
"If... if you really want..." still shocked Mary answered him.
"All right. Let's go shopping firt. You need better equipment." Reinhard suggested.
"But we don't have much money..." Fievel finally said something.
"Don't worry, I know one cheap shop". Said that, he lead them to a weaponry shop.
"Take a look around and choose something." Reinhard encouraged them.
Mary started looking at all those shiny sharp swords, daggers and well-designed shields. Then she checked prices and almost fainted. She took a shortsword and walked back to Fievel.
"Hey, Fievel... Do you see this? It's definitely not cheap. This sword would cost me 4 months of hard work on farm without counting the food and accomodation..."
"Y-yeah... You better put it back... Could you tell him that it may be "cheap" but for a royal paladin, not us...? I'm a bit to shy..." Fievel asked.
"Hey, Reinhard..." Mary got his attention. "About that sword..." He interrupted her.
"Ah, you like it? Then we're taking. Hey, seller! I want this one! And add some nice sheath." Reinhard smoothly threw a sack of golden coins towards him. Mary was so shocked that the didn't even know what actually happened. In a moment, the solid shortsword was attached to her belt in a beautiful sheath with a lotus painted on it.
"And you there, Fievel, right? Self made arrows are good for hunting a rabbit, not goblins" Reinhard commented. "Hey, I want that inwrought quiver with deer on it! Full of decent arrows, of course." Another sack with coins landed on the counter. Both girls didn't know if they should resist to such a generous gift or thank Reinhard for it. He saw their consternation.
"Don't worry. I'm making a good use of all those money I earned in each battle I took part in. Beautiful girls like you are definitely worth them." Reinhard smiled honestly.
Mary and Fievel seemed even more confused by the second part of his words, not sure if he's joking or not... But honest smile convinced them that he's not.
"I don't know how to than you..." Mary was close to tears.
"I'm so glad... I couldn't have afforded equipment like that... Thank you Reinhard" Fievel said with a shy voice.
"It's fine girls, I'm glad you're happy! One more thing and we can go. They left the shop and Reinhard told them to wait a while. They noded. After 20 minutes he returned without plate armour but with a gripsack.
"Remember, no heavy armour in narrow caves!" He welcomed them cheerfully with that phrase.
They started walking outside the town and headed towards caves where they had to get rid of goblins.
Mary and Fievel were expecting him to show off and talk about his heroic accomplishments but Reinhard was a modest knight. They both liked it, asked him few question about combat and every day life. When the path started to get uphill, both girls quickly become tired.
"Are you okay Fievel? You breathe really deeply..." Reinhard asked in concern.
"Huff... It's just... puff... hard... to walk up the path..." Fievel replied between breathes.
"It's fine, no need to push yourself that hard. Let's take a rest." Reinhard told her with a smile.
She was very grateful and immediately sat on the ground catching her breath. Reinhard opened his gripsack and put out something rounded green with black strips. He cut it with a knife and... it was red inside!
"What's that?" Mary got interested.
"Watermelon. Upper class got access to them after we conquered some harbour town recently. Tasty, so juicy" Reinhard explained.
The fruit got Fievel's attention.
"May I try it...?" she asked as she was thirsty after walking.
"Sure, I bought it for you. Here, take a piece. You too Mary." Reinhard handed them pieces of the fruit.
"Ummm! Tasty!" Fievel shouted in delight.
"I didn't even know something like that existed... amazing!" Mary was impressed as well.
They both quickly ate whole watermelon.
"I hope you've rested enough?" Reinhard made sure.
"Yes, I think I can keep going" Fievel replied.
Finally, the team arrived to an entrance of the cave.
"Eyes open, swords ready!" Reinhard passed a command while pulling out his sword.
Venturing forth, Reinhard was the spearhead, half step back him, on the left Mary was keeping a torch high and shortsword ready. Behind them, Fievel was walking and keeping arrow on bowstring. When they got deeper into the cave, they met their first encounter. Few goblins jumped out from the darkness and immediately attacked. Fievel missed an arrow in panic, Mary instinctively swinged with a torch instead of shortsword. Her fat body would be covered with goblins' daggers like a hedgehog if Reinhard wasn't there. He instantly covered her with his shield. Egads! The shield was big enough to protect her plump body. Despite the fact that Reinhard was left unprotected as he used whole shield for Mary by staying really close to her, no goblin could harm that knight. In few scythings of his sword, four goblins were dead. Fievel managed to shoot down the last one who tried to bybass Reinhard and Mary.
"Are you all right, Mary?" Reinhard checked but no hack hit her.
"I'm just... I'm just..." Mary began to shake broke to tears. "I don't want to die!" she instinctively hugged Reinhard and didn't want to let him go.
Fievel came closer to cheer her up.
"And this is how "just goblins" thing looks like in reality." Reinhard patted her head. He felt her big belly pushing on him. Her arms wrapped around his neck made him feel part of her weight. Mary calmed down a bit so they continued to walk forward. Cave was getting more and more narrow, leaving just enough space to walk single file. On the way, some rock was standing out of the wall creating narrow passage. Reinhard passed it easily, Mary had some difficulties but she made it. However, Fievel seemed to be too wide. Her hips couldn't fit in so narrow passage. There was not enough space for her huge body and her belly was already hard-pressed to both walls.
"Come on Fievel, the path is getting wider from now. Just pass it." Mary tried to encourage her.
"I'm... trying..." She replied with an effort while trying to squeeze through. "But I ... can't?" She said a bit surprised after a while.
"Give me a hand, I will try to pull you." Said Reinhard as he was approaching her.
He started pulling her towards him. She was also doing her best grunting loudly and breathing deeply. Reinhard pulled harder and... something sounded like torn gear... and Fievel bumped into Reinhard with all her weight. Despite being a royal paladin, Reinhard couldn't hold her and ended up on the stoned floor.
Maybe it was because he was also pulling her towards him. Maybe because she was so obese and heavy. Or maybe both. Fievel crushed him a bit before she realised what had happened. Reinhard found it... quite comfortable. Her body was soft and really fatty. Covering him, he felt warm and safe. But the rocks and pebbles on the cave's floor towards which she was pushing him were making whole experience really painful. Mary rushed to them and helped Fievel to get up. Fievel was so embarrased by what happened that she was staring at her... shoes? It would be shoes if she could see her feet instead of her belly. But in fact, she was really sad, repeating quietly "I'm so sorry...". Reinhard got up and tried to give her a hug but she dodged by stepping backwards.
"Don't come closer... I don't want to hurt you anymore..." Fievel was close to tears.
"Don't worry about it... It was just an accident. I'm fine overall." Reinhard tried to settle her down.
"N-no... If I weren't so fat, I wouldn't get stuck there... It's all my fault..." She kept taking guilt on herself.
"You're not too big or something..." He tried one more time.
"You say that only because you feel pity of me... You must've seen many beautiful women in upper class and I'm definitely not like them." She was really depressed.
"Yeah, you're right. I've seen many of them but I'm still not taken because they want to arrange me only with slim noblewoman. That's true, you're not like them because you're better. In case of everything." Reinhard explained with cold logic.
Fievel was out of words. She was so shocked that she had no idea what to think. She blushed red like blood and slowly started following the path. Mary, watching this from the side, also couldn't believe in what she heard. It couldn't be that legendary knight Reinhard found women like them... more attractive than slim princesses. Half hour passed since that accident and Fievel had already enough adventures for one day. She was absolutely exhausted by walking there. In fact, she started to wobble a bit but she didn't tell it anyone because she didn't want to cause more trouble. As she was an archer, she was walking in the end so no one noticed that. In next encounter, she almost fainted. Luckily, the goblins weren't numerous so Mary with aid of Reinhard killed them quickly.
"We need to go back." Mary said firmly as she finally noticed what's going on with Fievel.
"Sure thing... Fievel, can you get up?" Reinhard looked worried.
"Yes..." she said with weak voice. But she couldn't.
"I will carry you on my back" Reinhard quickly came up with a plan.
"NO! Um... I mean... you can't, I'm too heavy..." She answered in fear.
"Come on, we can't stay here. The longer you sit in one place in goblin's den, the more of them will come there." Reinhard was coldly calculatin the situation which turned out to be much more dangerous than those unexperienced girls could imagine.
"If... If that's the only way..." she replied with resignation.
Reinhard quickly tried to lift her up but it took longer that he expected. He didn't want to show any expression of pain and tiredness that carrying such a heavy girl caused him.
"Am I not too heavy..?" Fievel was still worried.
"Um... no, it's fine... I left my plate armour in garrison so I can carry more." Reinhard said the half-truth. Some time passed and they were walking close to a precipice. All they needed to do, was to follow the winding path to reach a bottom of the precipice and head straight to exit. Suddenly, goblins started coming from a hole in the cave's wall. They rushed to attack the clumsy team.
"Hell! Devil's trick or what... I can't fight like that." Reinhard thought. Mary screamed. Fievel began to panic.
"Fievel, CALM DOWN! I'm losing balance..." Reinhard shouted but it only made her more nervous. "I can't use my sword when I'm holding her fat legs... Damn it, damn it!" Thoughts where boiling in Reinhard's head.
But goblins never forgive a moment of hesitation. Two of them jumped on Reinhard, thought about dodging them, putting Fievel down, taking his sword, slaying them and getting the girls to the exit but... He didn't expect that Fievel would instinctively try to jump back... while still being carried by Reinhard. She pulled him straight into precipice that was straight behind them, because the path was narrow and winding. Fievel shrieked loudly as she understood what she did, Mary rushed to them and caught Reinhard by his hand. She didn't think before, she just did it wanting to rescue their friends. However, combined weight of Reinhard and Fievel pulled obese Mary with them. There was nothing Reinhard could do. He had one thought before he hit the ground around 12 meters below. "Time to make my exit from this fairy-tale" he thought and smiled wryly. Then he fell on his back, totally out of breath, unable to move. Then Fievel fallen straight on him, crushing his chest and some of guts. She seemed to be surprised that she's alive and thought to be lucky because she landed on something... soft. Mary fell on Fievel but their huge bellies reduced the impact as Mary was falling with her face down and Mary rolled from still-lying on Reinhard Fievel. Goblins took the path that Reinhard's team was supposed to take to get down there safely.
Mary screamed when she saw on what they both fell.
"Reinhard! Reinhard! Are you all right?!" Mary was shaking him after she pushed Fievel away. She noticed blood on his lips.
"Oh no..." Her eyes were full of big tears.
"T...take... Fievel w-with yo-u and run a-way... exit... *cough cough* exit is close... They.. g-goblins... won't chase... not into the *cough* sun..." Reinhard gasped out.
"We won't leave you!!!" Mary was crying and shaking his body.
Fievel was mentally broken.
" both... thake my gold... whole sack... as your... *cough* reward...F--i--evel... get..take this..." Reinhard handed over a Knight's Order unique necklace with his name. "I will... take it... back. I wil... come for it... keep.. keep it safe..." Reinhard's voice was really weak.
Goblins were getting closer and closer.
"Mary... My sword... help me get up..." Reinhard asked.
Terrified Mary obeyed all his orders.
Reinhard braced himself on his beloved sword "Hauteclaire". Mary gave Fievel an arm to support her and step by step, they were slowly getting to the exit. Reinhard made his last stand between escaping girls and approaching goblins. "What a way to go..." he thought and cut off a head of first goblin that attacked him. He coughed in hand which turned red of his own blood. Broken chest, crushed lungs... They felt like fire inside them with every saccadic breath. Hot blood started pouring out his head. "The hell with that..." and he killed another goblin. "This is my last duty - secure their escape..." he thought. Adrenaline and feeling of duty kept him on legs but he was already dead. Nothing could reverse that internal damage. All those movements burned into his muscles through thousands of battles allowed him to kill goblin instinctively. Reinhard was a real paladin, an example of true knight. No dirty goblin killed him, he made sure about it. He died of internal bleeding caused by two obese girls and their fat.
The sun was about to rise but still wasn't visible on the horizon when he finished telling us that story. I looked around and I thought I was the only one listening to the end but then one soldier has spoken.
"No doubt why we're losing this damned war if we lose royal paladins like that." The story-teller laughed.
"Maybe you're right." he replied.
But I thought about Reinhard as a great man of honour and duty with who I'd like to drink a beer after battle...Then I fell asleep to get some rest before another march.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04 ⏰

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