𝟬𝟬𝟱, get glitter bombed, evil witch!

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chapter five ! ❪ get glitter bombed, evil witch! ❫

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chapter five !
❪ get glitter bombed, evil witch! ❫


"YO GUYS," Kyler walked up to the teens

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"YO GUYS," Kyler walked up to the teens. "My boy Rory, he got some free tickets to the drive-in tonight. They're going old school, something called Bloodsport?" He took a spot in the small circle.

"I know that movie." Robby stretched. "My dad left an old VHS at our place. It was the only evidence I had that he existed."

"I heard it's dope. So, if you guys are in, let's do this." Kyler smirked, waiting for everyone else's answers.

"Depends on how late I have to work tonight. My new boss put me on the schedule for today. Guy's a total creep." Tory shivered at the thought.

"You got a new job? Where?"

"It's none of your business." Tory snarled.

"Okay," Robby muttered.

Gwen and Kenny walked into the dojo with their karate gi already on. Kenny had a frustrated look on his face and Gwen tried to talk to him but he wouldn't tell her.

"Look who made it," Robby smiled at the girl.

She raised her eyebrows and stood next to him. Robby connected their hands together and the other teens were taken back by the scene that was played in front of them.

"Woah," Kyler grinned. "Are you two like a thing now?"

Gwen shrugged with a small smile. "Yeah, you can say that." She turned her head to look at Robby who was already staring at her.

Kenny huffed and Robby broke his stare from the girl. He noticed Kenny's deadpan face. "What's up?"

Gwen rolled her eyes. "Just tell us whats been bothering you already."

Kenny closed his eyes in frustration before speaking up. "I was at the high school yesterday and these older kids started messing with me." He confessed. "One guy told me I should quit Cobra Kai."

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