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Darya Agaeva is a young and talented artist, at least she thinks she is. She has lived in Petersburg her whole life. She loves Petersburg for its beauty and simplicity. Dasha went to school here and graduated, she wanted to continue studying, but she couldn't get into art college because of her failing grades. So she decided that learning is not her cup of tea. She didn't try to get into other universities or colleges. Despite her unfortunate experience with college life, she didn't despair. She stayed in Petersburg even though some of her classmates and friends moved to Moscow for better life.  She moved out of her mom's apartment 2 years later after high school graduation, Before that she worked at different jobs, but she didn't stay long at any one job due to the low salary. But still, she found a job with a fairly high salary. She started working as a barista in a small coffee shop, in the center of Petersburg next to the Neva river. Yet again surprisingly, the salary in this coffee shop was pretty nice compared to other coffee shops in the area. Working as a barista there helped her to finally move out and live all by herself. Darya manages to rent a pretty decent studio apartment with her cat. She lives in an old apartment better known as "Stalinka" in the Kirovsky District. She had some rough months, but most of the time she managed her finances pretty well. She usually has night shifts at the cafe. 13:00 until 00:00, seven hours almost every day. Long shifts doesn't bother her, more or less she liked this kind of schedule, because she got good money for working at night."Well, money is money." She always reminded herself. In addition to the good salary, she had free days on weekdays, not only weekends. Every day there was something new and unforgettable, mostly because of the stupid clients.

Just like most Russian families, her dad Vladimir, shorter Vova, was absent from her life. Dasha doesn't miss him or feel left out. It's more common to not have a dad than to have a full family in Russia. If you are a lucky buddy and you have a dad, there's a big chance that he is an alcoholic abusive piece of trash. No idea what is going on in our Federation, but dads here are just foul. Darya doesn't know much about her dad. Just that he was an alcoholic. He drank a lot, and when he was drunk he got aggressive, he fought with Liilija — Dasha's mother all the time. He couldn't care less while physically abusing her mother. He didn't care about being stronger or having ethical standards. Lilja left Dasha's dad when Dasha was only 2 or 3 years old. She doesn't have any memories of her dad. Only that one memory was when Dasha's dad bought her ice cream after school, but she didn't recognize him. Vova died when Darya was 10 years old, yet she found out about his passing when she was 14. Unfortunately, or not, she doesn't care. Her father has some relatives, but she doesn't have contact with them because Lilja. She blocked Darya from contacting relatives on her dad's side . After Dasha's dad started to beat her mother up daily, Lilja ranted to the Vova's sisters and his mother. Well, in vain, they couldn't care less about Liilija and her relationship with their son/ brother. It was a big drama back then, but right now, no one cares. Nobody from dad's side wants to contact Darya. To be fair Darya also doesn't want unwanted relatives in her social life as well. Darya and her mother are still salty about the past, but in the end, no one cares. Even back then no one cared about Lilja's endless tears and begging for help. Why they should care how they are now?

Darya was just like every other girl from Russia. Not like the girls you can see on social media about Slavic looks. Most of the girls here don't look like the media portrays them at all. She wasn't tall or short, she was 160cm to be clear. She had dark brown hair which was a bit longer than armpit length. She used to dye her hair different colors when she was a teenager, but after red dye, she had only two options — dark brown or black. Dasha has grey eyes which she usually covered with black lenses and the most normal body shape — something between hourglass and rectangle. She is not overweight or underweight. She dressed like most Russian girls in 2018, she has a sense of fashion. Her wardrobe includes skinny and mom jeans, different hoodies and sweaters, oversized T-shirts that she tucks into jeans, skirts that she usually wears with fishnets, and tons of Vans, and Adidas sneakers with her most beloved DR Martens Jadon platforms. She mostly wore black clothes and because of that, old grannies in the buses and metro would stare at her. Some people mistake her for being goth. Knowledgeable people knew that she was anything but goth. Even despite nose piercing, which was also a common piercing among young people, and tongue piercing her sense of looks was not somehow alternative or different from others. She especially loved her tongue piercing, because sometimes when she argues with a client, they would get shocked and even scared after seeing a piece of metal ball sticking out of her tongue while she talks. Darya also had a few tattoos. A small sun on her solar plexus. Chandelier in the back side of her right calf. Her left hand above the elbow had 4 different cats tattooed. There are more black pictures around her body: scissors, a flower bouquet, a fruit basket, and a few insects. And yet again it was common amongst young people to have a few tattoos here and there. She was happy with her style and looks, but she didn't find herself special. Dasha doesn't think that she's ugly or pretty."I'm not hideous, I would even say that I'm pretty. But my face couldn't be on someone's album cover." This is all she could say about her looks.

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